Monster High Universal Monsters Dracula Homage Doll Revealed

by Jay Cochran
June 01, 2022
Introducing the latest in the Monster High Skullector series honoring the original Universal film, Dracula. This one will be offered on the MattelCreations website starting on 6/3 at 9am. It will cost $65.

The Dracula Monster High Skullector doll’s blood-thirsty look is inspired by the classic tuxedo, medallion, and cape — just like the original film. Our designers made sure to include to-die-for details like a dramatic vampire-inspired face-sculpt and long, inky-black hair.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Nosferatuman62172 - 2022-06-02 @ 9:43 am

I'd be almost tempted to get this if the price was a little less. Anyway I can't wait to see if there's any more in this line. Now if only we'd get an update on Necas Dracula

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-06-01 @ 7:41 pm

I'm loving this, going to try and get this, won't be sad when I don't however since I have no luck on MattelCreations.

JayC - 2022-06-01 @ 6:47 pm

Introducing the latest in the Monster High Skullector series honoring the original Universal film, Dracula. This one will be offered on the MattelCreations website starting on 6/3 at 9am. It will cost $65.The Dracula Monster High Skullector dolls blood-thirsty look is inspired by the classic tuxedo, medallion, and cape just like the original film. Our designers made sure to include to-die-for details like a dramatic vampire-inspired face-sculpt and long, inky-black hair.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-06-01 @ 6:27 am

Excited about this! love that Monster High, but MattelCreations have never been kind to me in terms of getting any exclusive preorders in.

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