glad I wore my cup today!
hhhhmmm big heavenly body.
"Once again, Princess Leia lied about the location of the hidden rebel base."
The Emperor inside Death Star: "Fire at mega big ultra huge super powerful galactic balls, commander."
"this is the remix addition of the song about pissin'"
"The ability to devour a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force!"
Today Galactus learned that in a galaxy far, far away, the beach balls not only hit back, they laser your balls off! *The More You Know*
"Ahhhhhhhhh, my liver!!!!!"
Apparently, a little "snip, snip" was an understatement for Galactus' vasectomy.
Shot ...the ...BALLS ...pain ...moving my ....stomach ...uughh.
Galacticus: "Man, I've gotta cut down on that green Kool-Aid! Either that or it was all the martians I ate, hmmmm.