"Why did I trade straight across for KBtoys"....
Narrator: In a world of seduction and power, temptation has its price.
Stark: Ya, like forgetting to put a pee hole in this thing. It'll be like pulling suction cups off my legs by the time I get home...
And quit using Taglines from my older movies already... @$$ HOLE...
"looks like i picked the wrong week to quit drinking."
iron man - "Damn... i'm lost, I knew i should have installed SAT-NAV, right,where's the bar?"
Ironman: "This is why we need more bars on Wall Street"
Well I guess I can try the barter system...I wonder how much I will have to barter to get so pissed drunk that my suit rusts shut?
MAN!!! Talk about a bad week for a Skrull invasion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the LAST time I take advice from John Bradshaw Layfield on where to invest my money.
I knew Clintonomics would catch up with us in the end...
Even the Invincible Iron Man is powerless before the greatest robbery in recorded history.