Technically, there was a Cobra jet pack trooper in Marvel #20, but he didn't have a JUMP or the mask on.
. Hell even the jet pack trooper. I don't even remember seeing that in the comic or cartoon. Do any of you remember seeing the black clad commander and jet pack trooper? Plus how does the jet pack trooper and gas mask trooper have the same mask?The jet pack trooper is for those of us who are nostalgic for 2006. (Those gas mask trooper comic packs are still around in some Toys R Us's!)
The Cobra Commander is for really old timers who are nostalgic for 2004.
@loll@ "Nostalgic" over something that came out just last year or even 3 years ago?
It's a 25th anniversary commemrative line of ARAH G.I.Joe. I know they've tossed in some characters already, that appeared in ARAH less than 20 years ago, but that's probably taking the 25 years thing too literally, but throwing in stuff from just the last 4-5 years? BAH! That's a waste of space.
. Hell even the jet pack trooper. I don't even remember seeing that in the comic or cartoon. Do any of you remember seeing the black clad commander and jet pack trooper? Plus how does the jet pack trooper and gas mask trooper have the same mask?
The jet pack trooper is for those of us who are nostalgic for 2006. (Those gas mask trooper comic packs are still around in some Toys R Us's!)
The Cobra Commander is for really old timers who are nostalgic for 2004.
I think the repaints are more a way of them cashing in now while they're still hot. I don't see how making them this way instead of the O-ring would cost much more. The bodies are still using about the same amount of plastic as before. Most of the bodies seem to be in two parts, so tooling costs should be about the same. Like I said, I think these repaints this early are just a sign that the market for these is hot right now, and they are trying to milk us for every dollar we got while we still have an interest in the product. If they tried to bring these out later on down the line, I don't think the reaction would be the same, and the pack could end being a peg warmer. But, if they put it out now, they can at least count on the scalpers picking it up because 25th stuff is doing great on the after market. I've yet to see a 5 pack go for under $30 prior to shipping costs.
They should have stuck with the o-ring VvV style but made all revamps of the older figures like what they are doing now. It seems like maybe the style of figure they are doing now is costing them a bit more too.(why so many repaints so fast?..couldnt they wait a while?)
I agree, there were alot of gems in the VvV and Spytroops lines, and plenty of detail on those figures. I think were the 25th outshines those lines is they bring a modern look and detail to the classic looks that has not been done before. In those other lines they took classic characters and tried ot give them new looks. Now they are taking classic characters and giving them the same classic look with more of modern feel, and so far has done a great job.
I agree quality wise i dont think the 25th figures are any better or more detailed then spy troops or VvV.
These new figures are so much better than Spy Troopers and VvV. The detailing is really cool. I'm looking forward to getting a Clutch and some vehicles that are going to be in line with higher level of quality.
I don't think the "quality" is better on the 25th line, and the details aren't exactly groundbreaking for 3 3/4" G.I.Joe. There are some added wrinkles and cloth pattern designs that standout a little more, but nothing awe inspiring. When they eliminate the majority of the "details" (like vests, ammo belts, bandolier's and holster belts) on the figure and just add it as a separate detachable piece altogether, is that really MORE detail or less? They become an accessory like a removable helmet or backpack, weapon etc..
While Spy Poop was pretty nasty there for awhile, I have to say that VvV produced some pretty damn cool figures, and was really a lot of fun in Hasbro's attempt to bring something NEW to the line, instead of pumpin' out the same old sh@# over and over again. I liked it a lot, even though (like most waves) it had some real stinkers in it.
These are some of the ones I thought were outstanding...
Looking at these few samples, I have to wonder where there's any less detail in them compared to the 25th line? @hmmm@
These new figures are so much better than Spy Troopers and VvV. The detailing is really cool. I'm looking forward to getting a Clutch and some vehicles that are going to be in line with higher level of quality.
Uh I thought the Satan figure was actually a Red Ninja. I know I will army build him. After seeing them in the 1st silent issue I knew I wanted to see a 5 or 6 pack of them. Now I can get them. I think that was a smart move on Hasbro's part. Now Dragon Storm Shadow and the black clad CC....I don't even know why they thought those were part of the most popular group. Hell even the jet pack trooper. I don't even remember seeing that in the comic or cartoon. Do any of you remember seeing the black clad commander and jet pack trooper? Plus how does the jet pack trooper and gas mask trooper have the same mask?
If I remember what Hasbro said about this set, it was basically just to get more product out to the masses after such a great initial reaction to the product. That is why they are ALL repaints. I don't think these are meant to be counted towards the 25.