I haven't read the book, but the character has an interesting look. He's really becoming popular, but there still aren't any articulated figures of him yet which seems odd.I'm not a Pop guy, but this one doesn't have those dead black eyes and it is pretty neat looking. I'm tempted for sure.
Batman Who Laughs is gonna be the next Harley/Deadpool phenomenon. Lol. The world loves ad crazy/edgy character.
Its like Hellraiser meets Batman... And, I just kind of have to ask,why? I mean, it seems to me that theyre just going to milk Batman in every way conceivable. Ad infinitum, ad nauseam. I know hes a popular character the Wolverine, if you will, of the DC Comics pantheon. And, I absolutely remember all of those infinite, alternate armor and style Batman figures, from my youth.Butcmon, Im surprised there isnt a line of Bat-tools; Hammers, crowbars, drills and screwdrivers. Because everything else has already been done; Dinnerwear, bed linens, et al.?