In my view- yes seems like funko is a sinking ship with little morale going on.
On 1/22/2023 at 1:14 PM, benmiller said:Sounds like most corporations. Stock price drops pay the guys at the top more and screw everyone else. Stock price goes up guys at the top get paid even more and everyone else still gets screwed.
This is so true.
10 hours ago, MagnaPrime said:Sinking, no, leaking, yeah probably. A corporate merger with someone like jazzwares is more likely than total disappearing.
Sounds like they are gutting the place trying to cut their expenses as much as possible to make their profit numbers look better on the spreadsheet for Wall Street. To me that might be a viable short-term strategy especially if your hope is to make yourself more attractive to perspective buyers, but what do I know, I'm certainly not a CEO who gets 2 million dollar bonuses or anything close.
Sinking, no, leaking, yeah probably. A corporate merger with someone like jazzwares is more likely than total disappearing.
This is the issue I have with massive corporations and businesspeople. They don't care about anything BUT profit. I understand you have to make a living out of your projects... but this isn't their project... they just make money off of it, and when it stops making the rich richer they make it a tragedy and shut it down.
19 hours ago, Kylekirwan said:I won't believe a single word from a video with a thumbnail like this. Clickbait nonsense.
If they are lying then they have opened themselves up to lawsuit. As I mentioned in the post their info seems to be coming from former employee's who may have a bit slanted view, but doesnt sound like a fun place to work these days. And no I wouldnt have posted it if I just thought it was click bait.
I won't believe a single word from a video with a thumbnail like this. Clickbait nonsense.
15 hours ago, McYote said:Their sales may go down but they arent going anywhere. Funko is by far the biggest collectible brand outside of LEGO and is definitely the most accessible to casual fans. Theyll recover
Funko is no where near the size of LEGO. I agree they arent going away, but they have struggled quit a bit on Wall Street. My guess someone larger will eventually buy them out.
Their sales may go down but they arent going anywhere. Funko is by far the biggest collectible brand outside of LEGO and is definitely the most accessible to casual fans. Theyll recover
Nah Funko is fine and will be fine. Same theory/rumors of going out of business that has been circling for years now. And still rapid fans and sales. Do their practices suck? Yes!.. but name a major player in the toy industry that hasn't had to cut jobs based on costs (not mattervthe reason) just to come back stronger. Or different.
Life is a game.. you gamble and sometimes you lose. Hope the people laid off find new jobs quickly!