Big Bad Toy Store has some new items coming from Medicom based on the classic bedtime story and soon to be blockbuster movie from Warner Bros., "Where The Wild Things Are."
12" RAH Max Figure
Imported from Japan! For nearly fifty years Maurice Sendak's Where The Wild Things Are has enthralled children of all ages. The story of Max, a young boy who wishes to live a life among the Wild Things, unburdened by the responsibilities of growing up, appeals to the inner, carefree child within everyone. Medicom has taken Max, as illustrated in the original picture book, and brought him to life as a detailed 12" RAH (Real Action Hero) action figure. Sendak's protagonist will captivate everyone's inner child with his glee and good humor. Soon to be a motion picture from director Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich), Where the Wild Things Are lives on to captivate a new generation.
Where The Wild Things Are Kubricks
Imported from Japan! Released just in time for this summer's release of director Spike Jonze's live-action adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's book, Where The Wild Things Are, these Kubrick figures bring the story's memorable characters, from the young boy Max to the Wild Things he meets in the forest of his imagination to life. Each figure stands approximately 2" tall and features the stylization and articulation collectors expect from Medicom's acclaimed Kubrick figures.
You can check out images for these items below in our