I don't think I'll pick these up, but I am looking forward to their Siege Soundwave and Starscream.I like that a few of these vehicles are Cybertron style vehicles not based on anything on Earth. The wash they've been putting on these looks nice too in my opinion.
I will probably get Mirage, Jetfire and while I to usually pass on the big ones due to space constraints, a good looking G1 Omega is one I've been waiting for since he was one of my favorite characters as a kid, so I will be getting him. One of my favorite Marvel Comics TF issues is the one with Omega and where be basically kicks all the Decepticons butts single handed. I hope he isn't as big as say the Metroplex or Fort Max figures as he should be more the size of Devastator than the city bots. Would be cool if it was motorized to go around the tracks like the old toy.
These look awesome! I'll be getting Mirage and Jetfire. Probably skip Omega Supreme just because he's too big and I would have nowhere to put him.