Don't even recognize this ranger, but I like the effects parts these figures come with. They come in handy to repurpose for other figures. Hasbro has put more effect parts in their Transformers figures too lately. I dig it.
On 10/27/2019 at 11:28 AM, JayC said:Note the price is jumping from $19.99 to $21.49 most likely due to the whole tariffs thing.
Isn't that what Target is already charging for their Hasbro stuff? lol They gonna be $25 over there now?
The two series I watched most were MMPR and Zeo based on the time period and my age lining up with it. Loved how the stories carried more than a season or 2 and really built chemistry and dynamics. Main focus for me is those teams so seeing more Zeo is a must for me. Also looking forward to more villains in the line. Zedd and Goldar are great. Hope at some point they deep dive and we start seeing monsters from weekly episodes like the Pudgy Pig and Eye Guy from MMPR. A lot they can really sink into with this license since they purchased it outright.
Nice to see them starting to produce other teams. Can't wait to see what the whole wave will be. I'm also kinda concerned about the increase in price, even if it is just a couple of bucks, we already pay basically 25 dollars for these at regular retail in Mexico, I'm afraid we might end up having to pay 30, which is starting to get quite pricey IMO.
Fall 2020? That seems a little extreme...I know they dont put up the same numbers marvel legends do, but hopefully we can do a little better than 8 figures a year
?Gooo Zeo
Note the price is jumping from $19.99 to $21.49 most likely due to the whole tariffs thing.
Update, this is the only one from this wave being revealed today it seems. The rest of the wave will likely be revealed next weekend.
Nice. I dont have to wait too long before I can head swape the unmasked Rocky head with the Red MMPR body