Wish he had the clear chest plate.
This Figure looks pretty good. Good thing that I pre-ordered it.??
Zartan seems to be one of the better GI Joe sculpt...Gotta say, hasbro kept on reusing molds for Marvel Legends, but it seem new molds always for GI JOE.
Those are some shiny abs.
6 hours ago, Mr_Scary92 said:Hmm, I have to ask, does it have a custom paintjob?, looks too good to be of factory origin. Nice figure anyway.
No, it isn't custom. This line's paint is all that good.
5 hours ago, JayC said:Note that the bow and arrow featured in some of these images are not included with Zartan.
I was wondering why he had the Bows from the Marvel Legends Hawkeye. Hopefully, he looks this good when it hit stores.
Yeah he's cool, wish they covered his mid riff, I also wonder how hard this is going to be for me to get, seeing as how all of my province is in Lockdown and I made my pre-order at EB Games in store. I have already lost several pre-orders because of the cool ass fun lockdown.
This guy is looking pretty sick (in a good way!) Can't wait for this one!
He looks good, but the hood and pants are too brown. They should be more of a burgandy color.
That looks better then the original pics showed, I may have to consider getting this guy now. The paint job and sculpted details are very good here.