Agreed, I'm going to be hunting the stores for Spirit, Tomax and Xamot...
Been watching for anything regarding Shipwreck, one of my all-time favorites!!
Want them all, but especially Siegie. That's one of the best uniforms of all time.
I hope this is right. Even though I haven't even seen the figures, I really want Tomax and Xamat and Zarana. This line is so great. I'm just planning to nab my favorite characters. Stalker might convince me when I see him. He was always quite a cool character/figure.
This list is ok.. except.....
Where the heck is Shipwreck? He was like one of THE main characters of the original show and my all time favorite and still no Shipwreck!??
I don't think this list is unbelievable. In fact, some of the choices make sense as far as 'inclusion' goes (and I mean that in a positive sense). Stalker & Spirit are fan favorites as well. Zarana is one of the few female villains. Croc Master is an easy way to make a deluxe box and charge more with less effort (One I would buy in a heartbeat). Tomax and Xamot would be weird to be released as individual figures when a two pack would be very cost effective (different torso and head for each, everything else can be duplicated)
Crimson Guard is an army builder. Vipers are all repaints. I hope the Tiger Force/Target rumor is true. I agree it would seem they have learned a lesson and give target alternate decos of figures instead of full exclusives (or first release of new figure with alt deco coming later in main line)
I'd get all of those, minus the Tiger Force and Python Patrol stuff, I don't care about those. I hope that is accurate because it sounds awesome to me.
The speculated list looks pretty decent, but a ton of Cobras (not a bad thing to me), makes me wonder... Croc Master! I damn hope that's a must have for me, also of course we are going to get a regular Storm Shadow that's a given, Crimson Guard is also a must have, Zarana and Dusty as well, Python B.A.T. and Python Viper as exclusives..ugh. anyways I'd be surprised if we didn't get a Covergirl next year also would bet on Flash, Grunt & Rock N Roll, Scrap Iron and Snow Serpent. just sayin....
ah well we don't actually no for sure,
Well, I hope that crocodile is true! I really want more animals in my display
I'll admit it's a good list but I broke the list up into what I believe Hasbro will say they are going to release and what they will actually release.
First, the list of figures that will be get release:
Storm ShadowCobra OfficerStalkerDustyCobra Viper And Viper Officer 2-packPython ViperPython B.A.T.
This list includes typical figures we have seen before such as Storm Shadow, Cobra Officer, Stalker and Cobra Viper And Viper Officer. These are figures that have been released many times over and are collection builders, except for the Stalker and Dusty and those would be limited release.
The remaining figures on the list that have a very small chance of being made:
Deluxe Croc Master with crocodileSpirit With FreedomTomaxXamotZaranaCrimson GuardOutback
These figures are figures that Hasbro never cared much about or pushed on the market. The only time we saw these figures was when we had a G.I. Joe Collectors Club and those were the 3 3/4" or some other assortment or exclusive.
Bottom line... I'll believe this list when I see the figures in stores or online for purchase.
12 minutes ago, Nosferatuman62172 said:The one thing I noticed though is that there mostly Cobras.
Also one of the things that has me a bit skeptical.