The winner for the Skystiker isDaEXfactoR Congrats to them and thanks to everyone who participated. Now lets just hope it makes its goal of 10k in about a week.
Still waiting to hear back from the person whos name was drawn to win. I am giving em a couple more days since being the Thanksgiving Holiday they might be traveling and not checking their inbox or email. If you havent already check your inbox. If I havent heard back by the end of Monday I will draw another name.
The winner has been contacted via PM. Just waiting for them to claim their prize. When they do I will announce the winner here. Thanks to everyone who participated. Now lets just hope it gets funded.
GI Joe has always been about the America I want to live in. Its an America where people from all backgrounds work for a common good against evil. From the very inception GI Joe was intended to be inclusive. Think of all the different characters: African Americans, Women (I never saw so many Women figures in a Boys toyline, amazing!) Jews, Italians, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, Hispanic. Their names and bios where right there on the back of the packaging for everyone to read and learn about.
It just seemed like GI Joe was able to capture what makes America great and how the ideas of cooperation were an inherent part of the brand. In GI Joe I saw an America that was unified and understood goodness and freedom and the need to help each other.
Yes the Sci-Fi, Exotic locales, History themes were very exciting, but in the end when I think of GI Joe, its about the Real American Hero and the ideals that we all aspire to be.
For me, it's not just the toys, but the worldbuilding aspect, great stories and of course this is how I met some good friends. Even back in the day when I was a kid, and as an adult. It means creating communities, talking a lot about toys, knowing how the toys were made back in the day and of course the joy of todays kids, how they play and create worlds with these characters and toys. I'm blessed to witness all of these.
Hello all- good luck! G.I Joe to me is the essence of my childhood. Countless hours trading with friends, setting up battles, occasionally blowing a few up for explosions?????. Taking some swimming, playing in the woods etc.. Running into Toys R Us with $3.23 as often as I could. Pure fun!
Growing up in a military family during the 80s, my older brothers were my best friends. They started me off with the GI Joe comic books. On every birthday and Christmas, they would get me the newest toys and we would spend the whole day putting them together and playing with them.
Looking back at those times, GI Joe meant family time and fun with my two best friends!
Later on, they both joined the Air Force and I enlisted in the Army, so we all became action figures!
To me GI Joe represents that cool thing that I always wanted as a kid. We weren't allowed to play with GI Joes. I always went to friends houses and was in awe of their collections of amazing vehicles and figures. When I became a toy collector, Joe's was one of the first things on my list.
G.I. Joe means so much to me. I grew up in a family with limited means. I was a huge fan of everything Joe. Everthing from the cartoon to the toy line. My parents were unable to afford the toys to provide me with them. My cousin on the other hand, was spoiled and had every toy they made for the line. I would spend weekends at his home begging to play American Heroes. He had no interest in it. I would get up early just to play by myself. Once i was grown and making decent money to buy the toys my family was unable to provide me, I began collecting the toys I could only dream of as a child. Unfortunately the vehicles and playsets I loved the most were too expensive for me on the secondary market, and within budget. I would love to have this in my collection now and remember all the great times I had waking up ealy to defend our country from the like of Cobra.
GI Joes were the first toys I received after my family escaped political unrest in an Asian country in 1989 and then arrived in Hong Kong, so Joes were the toys that forever marked one of the most significant and positive changes in my and my families lives. I remember first receiving V2 Storm Shadow and Swampmasher as a kid, and those 2 toys immediately sparked a lifetime of passion for GI Joe.
I am really excited that Hasbro have decided to bring back o-ring Joes, and the Haslab Skystriker looks absolutely phenomenal, as do all the figures, extras and stretch goals. This is such an exciting time to be a Joe fan!