I couldn't have completed this 24 years in the making, life long dream of owning a complete Extreme Ghostbusters action figure set without the unwavering help of my friend Bill Neumann. I grew sick & tired of sending messages on several different Ghostbusters forums to representatives of various action figure companies who at one time or another had the Ghostbusters license to produce action figures, I got exhausted of telling them to please consider making Extreme Ghostbusters action figures that could finally do the cartoon justice where the Trendmasters toy line fell short only to be told time & time again no. So I took it upon myself to commission a set fully complete with accessories & companion characters. This set took a long time in the making. A lot of errors, trials, tribulations, set backs, sweat, tears but above all love went into making this set.
Bill Neumann did all the customizing of the action figures including the sculpting, action figure Frankensteining & painting including painting the Proton Packs, Traps & companions.
Frank Donovan 3D printed the Extreme Ghostbusters proton packs, traps & the Real Ghostbusters proton pack.
Rob Miller who was featured in Face Off did the head sculpt for Garrett Miller which was commissioned by David Boozer who graciously sold me a head.
Mike Rogers did the blister cards.
I chose the donor bodies for the figures & did the brainstorming.
The clamshells are from zoloworld.com.
- Notes: Kylie Griffin & Egon Spengler are the only 2 to have 2 companions. Egon is the only Ghostbuster to have received a Kenner & Trendmasters action figure & so I wanted to commemorate that by giving him his first Kenner companion Ghost & his only Trendmasters companion ghost. I am a cat person & Kylie needed her companion Pagon & Slimer who she was packaged with.
Since Garrett Miller was the only Extreme Ghostbuster from the new team that never got a ghost, I appointed him a companion ghost & what better ghost to appoint than one who actually appeared in an Extreme Ghostbusters episode. Garrett comes with the Fear Itself Ghost which came from a Burger King kid's meal. I gave all the Trendmasters ghosts names in the spirit of Kenner who always gave their companion ghosts names, Eduardo Rivera has the Screech Ghost, Egon Spengler has the Clamp Ghost & Roland Jackson has The Snort Ghost. To honor the Extreme Ghostbusters episode "A Temporary Insanity", Janine is pictured wearing an Egon Spengler colored jumpsuit which seems like a mishap because her Real Ghostbusters jumpsuit was pink. She is the only one packaged with a Real Ghostbusters proton pack just like in that episode. Ray Stantz was purposely given an Egon Spengler jumpsuit to honor this perplexing mishap in the Extreme Ghostbusters episodes "Back In The Saddle", it seems like they love Egon's jumpsuit in Extreme Ghostbusters, doesn't it?
- Long live the legend of Extreme Ghostbusters.
On 3/30/2022 at 10:38 PM, MagnaPrime said:Really cool man!
Thank you very much Brother! This was a monumental labor of love.
Really cool man!