Na semana passada fomos convidados pela Hasbro para uma apresentação das suas principais marcas, o que incluiu é claro POWER RANGERS.
— Raphael ⚡ Maiffre (@RaphaelMaiffre) December 6, 2022
Só posso dizer que 2023 promete ser um grande ano para os fãs dos heróis coloridos.
Fiquem de olho no @megapowerbrasil.
Last week we were invited by Hasbro to a presentation of their top brands, which included of course POWER RANGERS. I can only say that 2023 promises to be a great year for fans of the colorful heroes. Keep an eye on the @MegaPowerBrasil.
Would be interesting to see how this turns out.
I recently got the ZAP megazord when it was on sale and I think its actually pretty good. Seems like Im in the minority. Im down for more Zap zords.