Junkyard Dog and Mutt. Interchangeable dog faces 🤩🤩🤩 pic.twitter.com/xgQ1Qmlu7N
— Matt Guzy (@MattGuzy) July 22, 2023
Surprise Classified in booth reveal! pic.twitter.com/s6jzOUDVRC
— Matt Guzy (@MattGuzy) July 22, 2023
Shown below via sbtoyz is an in-hand look at the new G.I. Joe Classified Series Retro Collection Recondo Figure from Hasbro. You can purchase this figure from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth with suggested retail price of $24.99.
Man, pretty quick turnaround from announcement to order fulfillment on those diver figures. Hasbro's aping one of the few good things out of the McFarlane business playbook.
That figure is really tempting gotta say, really quite a good looking figure, but that price here in Canada, not so good looking, I feel like these are gonna be a hit because of the Army Building factor so they may not go down in price, but maybe since they are nobody's and not specific characters they won't be as much of a must have for people and we can see them pegwarm and I can get one on sale. ?
The Hasbro G.I. Joe Classified Series 60th Anniversary Action Sailor Recon Diver Figure is in stock and shipping from Amazon.com with a suggested retail price of $34.99.
Some Major reveals here, Techno Viper is one of my fav offerings in this line up, such a big fan of that one, Gonna need that, Quick Kick, Big Boa, Airbourne, and Retro Scarlett, I can safely say Retro Duke and Recondo don't do much for me, I actually always liked Recondo in the Tiger Force look so I;m sticking with that, the 2 anniversary figures are neat, but I can probably be fine without them since they are not actually specific characters, but the Wetsuit one is pretty rad, but the prices seem to be up there for those figures so I'll just see if I actually see them.
Shown below via angrycollectors is a look at some new G.I. Joe Classified Series Figures from Hasbro featuring Quick Kick, Cobra Techno-Viper, Airbourne, Big Boa, Retro Duke, Retro Scarlett, 60th Anniversay Wetsuit Trooper, 60th Anniversary Camo Trooper and Retro Recondo. These should be going up for sale today at 1 pm EST from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth. Stay Tuned and YO JOE!
Shown below via angrycollectors is a look at some new G.I. Joe Classified Series Figures from Hasbro featuring Quick Kick, Cobra Techno-Viper, Airbourne, Big Boa, Retro Duke, Retro Scarlett and Retro Recondo. Stay Tuned and YO JOE!
I'm looking forward to the Scarlett but I have a feeling that Duke is going to pegwarm.
That Scarlett was the figure I was most excited about when it was announced at Pulsecon. I have the original Classified Scarlett but dont like it all that much. This new classic Scarlett is must for my collection. The Duke looks amazing as well, but I actually like the redeco one I have of the first release well enough. May still pick it up and keep it on the card though.
I'm so glad these two got redone. I'll definitely be picking them both up, my only gripe is the ab crunch on Duke. I wish they went with the hinge type that most of the other figures have.