I'd love to have at Least Trakker and Miles Mayhem with their respective Vehicles in 6 Inch GI Joe Classifed style. Maybe they can sneak them in under the Classified line like they did with that single release Matt Tracker in the 4inch 25th anniversary line about a decade ago. But even then it's hard to imagine these not being Haslabs with the exception of smaller vehicles and T-Bob.
I look forward to see more news about this...??
I can see them doing 3:75 scale like the classic Joes but a 6 inch line..CRAZY!
Hmm. This is interesting. How does this trademark relate to the toys?
Oh man if Hasbro did a new M.A.S.K. line of figures, that can be displayed along side Joe Classified figures I'd be screaming with Joy!
If they make 6in mask vehicles and figures I'm going to be broke and over the moon about it.
Y'all have no idea how much I want to see MASK make a comeback. Nearly 40 years later and that theme song is still stuck in my head.