Seeing this checklist makes me realize how many figures I don't have, But I blame Vehicles and Haslabs (still really want someone to sell me a Glenda pleeease) for that, and SDCC exclusives that were waaay overpriced, I really really hope we eventually see Mindbender, Serpentor and Chuckles get mainline releases those are glaring Omissions in my collection, but they just cost too much for what they were I am playing the long game, they gotta re-release them I know it. Chuckles also wasn't a great looking figure IMO so I'm hoping for a updated version. Also why oh why was Arctic B.A.T. so darn hard to find?, stupid Arctic B.A.T. i neeed you.
It's also crazy how much they have put out since this line started only in 2020.
Also funny enough I just an hour ago recieved my Steel Corps Commander vs. Twilight Guard pack, Wow that Twilight Guard is hot.?
Weirdly, I dropped this line after Big Boa, who was a huge want for me and a great figure. I guess he was my 'endgame' lol and maybe i feel like Ive had my fill and im good after that.
12 hours ago, Cxb452 said:So many figures and so much money spent. And so much more to spend.
It's that last line that's killing me
So many figures and so much money spent. And so much more to spend.
Great job on that list... It will certainly take a few hours to do. I'm not buying everything in Classified since I collect several other lines...???
Neat! I had more than I realized going through the list.
So cool!
3 hours ago, JayC said:Below thanks to Black Genghis is an updated G.I. Joe Classified checklist with everything Hasbro has released or announced so far for the Classified line as of today. Click on it to see a super high-res wallpaper version you can download for your desktop.
Huh. To my surprise, of the stuff that's released I'm only actually missing that pesky 1st Cobra trooper, Tiger Force Flint, Python Patrol Copperhead and the Marauder Spirit & Low Light. As a kid I checked out of G.I. Joe before all the Python Patrol, Tiger Force and Maurauder variant stuff so none of that ever mattered to me, but I guess I am surprised how close I am to a complete collection.
Below thanks to Black Genghis is an updated G.I. Joe Classified checklist with everything Hasbro has released or announced so far for the Classified line as of today. Click on it to see a super high-res wallpaper version you can download for your desktop.
...We also have the checklist broken down into 6 individual images below you can see in our GALLERY.You can purchase G.I. Joe Classified figures from our sponsors and Entertainment Earth. They are also available on Amazon.
So rad. Cant wait!
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