Stoked to see #ZackSneidersJusticeLeague. If this was a movie I would've gone to the theatre for all 4 parts of it! I find the Joker irritating but aren't villains made to get the heroes shine brighter? Simply can't wait for the JL and Zack's true take on it. #DCfan forever! #henrycaville #batfleckforever #dceu
He was one the things that I didn't like about Suicide Squad but then again I think he shouldn't have beenincluded in the movie in the first place. I felt hewas shoehorned in a movie that already had too many characters, just because "It'stheJoker! He's Kewl! andI feel the same thing is happening again.
Yeah, good thinking. One last chance for a final Hail-Mary play to save his version of the DCEU . . . and he whizzes it down his leg bringing back one of the most despised elements of it.
Why stop there though? Why not a half-hour monologue for Eisenberg or CGI a big ole' ZZ Top beard for Superman.
Yeah, that's what the audience wants.
I don't feel bad for the millionaire cult leader who left his cast mates used condoms and dead rats because "I'm the Joker. Get it!" and got some of his scenes cut and then wasn't in Birds of Prey because Margot Robbie didn't want to work with him again. I'm sure he'll fit into the Snyder Cut really well.
Jared Leto was treated horribly in Suicide squad with all the cuts to his scenesand then literal exclusion from Harley Quinn BOP, I wasn't too crazy for all the tattoos but I think he really tried to do something different and really didn't get the chance to do his job properly, in this case he is the Joker of this Universe recasting him would be mistake. I'm glad we going to see more of his and more of stuff in this movie that turned into mini series.