Cast Announcement For Netflix's 'Resident Evil' Live-Action Series

by Outsiders
June 11, 2021
Netflix Geeked announced the cast for the Resident Evil live-action series. Character roles were not announced but the cast consists of Ella Balinska, Tamara Smart, Siena Agudong, Adeline Rudolph and Paola Nunez.

Lance Reddick will star as Albert Wesker.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JayC - 2021-06-15 @ 6:56 pm
4 minutes ago, kILLMonger said:

Dude you don't know what my emotions are. Stop deflecting. I don't care whether you agree with me or not about Lex. I DO care that you are letting it be known that you are cool with people being outright bigoted in their not liking the swap. It's based solely on bigotry and you are totally fine with it.

I am? No one where has posted bigoted bs? You haven't had to close threads because people said bigoted bs? People haven't clapped back at bigoted bs? You not saying you understand (at best) and are ok with being included in it (at worst). I'm assuming all of that? Man you dead wrong...for denying it, for defending it, and for outright being cool being included in it.

I already gave you the Sesame Street (ball bouncing and sing along song) solution. Stop it at the source. Let it be know this place isn't cool with that bigoted ish. If someone have had to many Coors or they mad they fav Nascar driver lost...they need to stay off of the site. If they mad because a Black person got a TV show or was cast as character...they can keep they crappy bigotry to themselves. If not people will call them out. They are making threads close by being bigots. Why you can't see that was totally astounding...but now I know it's because you agree with them.

If you see a specific post where someone specifically says something like "I hate black people" or specifically attacking someone else on here, then report it or bring it directly to my attention with a direct link at the time it happens. In this thread specifically your making interpretations about what someone said, not what they actually said. From your argument I am seemingly supposed to consider anyone who doesn't think its cool to change a per-established character to something else is automatically a racist. I can't sit here and say definitively they aren't a racists for thinking that way, but nor can I sit here and say definitively they are, and I don't think you can either. I am not willing to make an assumption like that in as far as how I moderate. I might not agree with them, I might not even like them, but that doesn't mean they should be banned.

There are certainly those on the other side of these kind of arguments where I have had to warn or delete their posts and even in some cases banned. Its sad to me that people on both sides are incapable or unwilling to have civil discussions about important things that go on in the world without restoring to name calling or attacks of some kind, but that's pretty much where we as a whole have gotten with the internet these days.

So again I welcome anyone who is wanting to help out and look out for trouble. If someone is attacking someone else or spouting hate then REPORT IT. Dont engage with it, dont let it continue and get out of hand to the point everyone is yelling at everyone else. But also realize not everyone is going to see things the way you do, and having a different opinion isnt a violation of the rules here. And if you or anyone else here doesn't find my moderating policies acceptable then again I would say you probably should find somewhere else online to hang out, and not because I want you to leave but I don't think you are going enjoy being here.

Now this thread is hopelessly gotten off-topic so I am locking this one.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-15 @ 6:51 pm
5 minutes ago, JayC said:

See here is the thing, your seemingly getting mad with me just because I won't see things exactly like you do. I understand your point of view on the characters. I don't even totally disagree with your point of view. But I can also understand how someone else who became a fan of a specific character not liking it when its changed.

Dude you don't know what my emotions are. Stop deflecting. I don't care whether you agree with me or not about Lex. I DO care that you are letting it be known that you are cool with people being outright bigoted in their not liking the swap. It's based solely on bigotry and you are totally fine with it.

7 minutes ago, JayC said:

Again your making vast assumptions. You seem to be typing mad. You seem to refuse to give any ground on your point of view and then any time I respond back your going to come back and try and show me how I am wrong.

I am? No one where has posted bigoted bs? You haven't had to close threads because people said bigoted bs? People haven't clapped back at bigoted bs? You not saying you understand (at best) and are ok with being included in it (at worst). I'm assuming all of that? Man you dead wrong...for denying it, for defending it, and for outright being cool being included in it.

10 minutes ago, JayC said:

Do you not see how thats not a very good or productive way to try and have a discussion about something. Do you not understand that is how a topic is hijacked and goes from simple discussion to people fighting?

I already gave you the Sesame Street (ball bouncing and sing along song) solution. Stop it at the source. Let it be know this place isn't cool with that bigoted ish. If someone have had to many Coors or they mad they fav Nascar driver lost...they need to stay off of the site. If they mad because a Black person got a TV show or was cast as character...they can keep they crappy bigotry to themselves. If not people will call them out. They are making threads close by being bigots. Why you can't see that was totally astounding...but now I know it's because you agree with them.

JayC - 2021-06-15 @ 6:50 pm
4 minutes ago, kILLMonger said:

Man...look it apparent...everyone here is cool with bigotry. At least we know now.

If you say so. Your welcome to your opinion and I am not going to sit here and try and change it. If you turely feel that way then you probably will want to find somewhere else to hang out online, and I say that not because I want you to leave but because your obviously not happy here.

JayC - 2021-06-15 @ 6:44 pm
Just now, DrLava said:

lets just educate you alittle bit more.

You dont even understand how condescending you sound when you address people do you? But you didnt educate anything. You stated your opinion on why you feel the way you do, which is fine. The problem is that if I wont agree with you then you will get more and more condescending and there lies the problem with your approach.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-15 @ 6:42 pm
29 minutes ago, DrLava said:

you or outsiders have conveniently deleted the most blatant ofthose. the early posts in that regina king thread were pretty disgusting.

tycondrius24 saying the biohazard franchise is ruined because a black actor has been cast is really bad too though. i can repost it a 3rd time if you still cant acknowledge it.

i mean walk around your local target or walmartand tell random strangersthat the casting of a black actor ruined a franchise for you and gauge their reaction. then come back here and try to defend his post some more. time to open your eyes, the ignorance is bliss mentality you have has to stop.too many posts for too many years have gone unchecked. it used to just be one hillbilly here and there and you let them get away with it, so they got bolder and others saw that it was allowed and now they think its okay to do this so its everywhere. its not okay.

Man...look it's apparent...everyone here is cool with bigotry. At least we know now.

1 hour ago, JayC said:

Now if that somehow makes me racists then I guess I am racists to, but thats how a view these things.

Man this is not the kind of approach you want to have.

This ain't even a good defense

This is a bad look my dude. That is not a position you want to have a valid defense for your worldview.

JayC - 2021-06-15 @ 6:36 pm
3 minutes ago, kILLMonger said:

He's a flipping comic book character. He's not real. He can be depicted however. And it was flipping cool to see him as a Black dude. What the hell is "pandering?" Dude that's a made up word (in this context) the states Black people can only get/be stuff due to a handout or whatever. Man forget all of that.

I'ma just people have a historical and habitual penchant for picking/supporting/defending the wrong stuff. Y'all about the last people to define what is "pandering" vs "empowering." Remember, this is MY it's all good (but it's actually factual and if anyone wantsto die on the hill trying to prove me wrongbring a lunch and we can get at it).

Y'all keep moving the goalposts...if it's not "uSe a EstAblIsHeD ChaRaCter" it's "tHey NeEd tO cReaTe nEw OneS." Dude go somewhere. I been in this fandom to long for you to come at me with that.

Dude if green people, robots, aliens, mutants, whatever can exist in the medium...than a frickin Black person can portray the character. Starfire...she's frickin orange. According to people here...a Black person should not play her. But they would have been all over it if a yt chick spray painted orange played her.

Sandman got all kinds of heat.

But factually if we are all about being faithful to the original source. We should of been on the hunt for a orange chick. And the Endless should be portrayed by albinos.

Dude Hawkman should have been Black from JUMP...He's frickin Egyptian..and they don't like you. You got beef with that?

You got beef with all the white washing in the Mummy films, Gods of Egypt, every Bible movie, Apocalypse in X-men?

Well I guess now I see why you quite with them but will censor other people.

You agree with them people...okay then. Good to know.

See here is the thing, your seemingly getting mad with me just because I won't see things exactly like you do. I understand your point of view on the characters. I don't even totally disagree with your point of view. But I can also understand how someone else who became a fan of a specific character not liking it when its changed.

Again your making vast assumptions. You seem to be typing mad. You seem to refuse to give any ground on your point of view and then any time I respond back your going to come back and try and show me how I am wrong.

Do you not see how thats not a very good or productive way to try and have a discussion about something. Do you not understand that is how a topic is hijacked and goes from simple discussion to people fighting?

kILLMonger - 2021-06-15 @ 6:26 pm
1 hour ago, JayC said:

And just to go back to your Superman Animated Series reference for a moment about Lex Luthor. As far as him being black or white. Lex was a white character so why is it empowering if they made him black? Speaking from the perspective of a white guy, I would see that more as pandering than empowering. It wouldnt make me angry, but again I really wouldn't see it as empowering.

He's a flipping comic book character. He's not real. He can be depicted however. And it was flipping cool to see him as a Black dude. What the hell is "pandering?" Dude that's a made up word (in this context) the states Black people can only get/be stuff due to a handout or whatever. Man forget all of that.

I'ma just people have a historical and habitual penchant for picking/supporting/defending the wrong stuff. Y'all about the last people to define what is "pandering" vs "empowering." Remember, this is MY it's all good (but it's actually factual and if anyone wantsto die on the hill trying to prove me wrongbring a lunch and we can get at it).

1 hour ago, JayC said:

Just like again speaking as a white guy I find it more empowering when they take a long time black character like Black Panther and prop him up as a major player in the MCU more so than when they take a per-established one and change their skin color. Now if that somehow makes me racists then I guess I am racists to, but thats how a view these things.

Y'all keep moving the goalposts...if it's not "uSe a EstAblIsHeD ChaRaCter" it's "tHey NeEd tO cReaTe nEw OneS." Dude go somewhere. I been in this fandom to long for you to come at me with that.

Dude if green people, robots, aliens, mutants, whatever can exist in the medium...than a frickin Black person can portray the character. Starfire...she's frickin orange. According to people here...a Black person should not play her. But they would have been all over it if a yt chick spray painted orange played her.

Sandman got all kinds of heat.

But factually if we are all about being faithful to the original source. We should of been on the hunt for a orange chick. And the Endless should be portrayed by albinos.

Dude Hawkman should have been Black from JUMP...He's frickin Egyptian..and they don't like you. You got beef with that?

You got beef with all the white washing in the Mummy films, Gods of Egypt, every Bible movie, Apocalypse in X-men?

Well I guess now I see why you quite with them but will censor other people.

You agree with them people...okay then. Good to know.

kILLMonger - 2021-06-15 @ 5:49 pm
51 minutes ago, JayC said:

Show me a specific post where someone said they didnt like the choice simply because they were black, as opposed to not liking it because they are taking a white established character and making them black?

Go back to the Hawkman thread.

And the Sandman thread

And the Regina King thread

and this one. a yt guy I get picking up on this stuff might not be your strong suit...but again TWO Black dudes is telling you. More have responded on here calling it out. Specific quotes were shared. Man don't do this ish....

JayC - 2021-06-15 @ 5:04 pm
19 minutes ago, kILLMonger said:

And just to go back to your Superman Animated Series reference for a moment about Lex Luthor. As far as him being black or white. Lex was a white character so why is it empowering if they made him black? Speaking from the perspective of a white guy, I would see that more as pandering than empowering. It wouldnt make me angry, but again I really wouldn't see it as empowering.

I will tell you what I did find empowering and meaningful as a kid. That they choose to use the John Stewart Green Lantern who was an already pre-established black character but lesser known by most and used him in the show over the more traditional well known white Hal Jordan. That decision helped the John Stewart GL become much more known to more people and established him as a major player in the DC Universe.

Just like again speaking as a white guy I find it more empowering when they take a long time black character like Black Panther and prop him up as a major player in the MCU more so than when they take a per-established one and change their skin color. Now if that somehow makes me racists then I guess I am racists to, but thats how a view these things.

JayC - 2021-06-15 @ 4:45 pm
11 minutes ago, kILLMonger said:

That's not what they are saying. Maybe you should go back and read all the closed threads. They are making it very clear that their dislike is rooted in ethnicity of the actors.

Show me a specific post where someone said they didnt like the choice simply because they were black, as opposed to not liking it because they are taking a white established character and making them black?

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