Disney released a statement involving Ford and the injury he suffered:
“In the course of rehearsing for a fight scene, Harrison Ford sustained an injury involving his shoulder. Production will continue while the appropriate course of treatment is evaluated, and the filming schedule will be reconfigured as needed in the coming weeks.”
1 hour ago, mako said:If it's a choice between old Indy and whatever one-liner vomiting, gender-bending, race-swapping yutz passes for a movie herotoday, I'll take Doctor Jones EVERY TIME.
But by all means, continue your casual ageism.
Alright, I guess some people DO want to see the adventures of old man indy. I stand corrected.
7 hours ago, MRT said:Nature's way of telling Harrison its time to take it easy. They should probably treat this like the Bond franchise and recast the role every few years. Do people really want to see the adventures of old man indy?
If it's a choice between old Indy and whatever one-liner vomiting, gender-bending, race-swapping yutz passes for a movie herotoday, I'll take Doctor Jones EVERY TIME.
But by all means, continue your casual ageism.
19 minutes ago, Spack said:Yeah Ford is getting up there to be getting in fist fights and driving vehicles over cliffs and the like. The one thing though is that he IS Indiana Jones. He IS Han Solo. For me the Solo movie was kinda meh because I could not get past the actor who played solo. To me, he looked more like a young Ray Liotta than anything else. There is a young actor who did a star wars scene word for word on Youtube. It was split screen with Ford doing Solo and this kid was spot on. He looked like Ford, sounded like Ford and pulled off the same smirkiness. For my money, I would love to see him in these roles. Anyone know his name? I forgot it as it has been awhile.
Anthony Ingruber, if youve never seen The Age of Adaline (2015) he plays a younger version of Harrison Fords character, and frankly it gave me chills.
Yeah Ford is getting up there to be getting in fist fights and driving vehicles over cliffs and the like. The one thing though is that he IS Indiana Jones. He IS Han Solo. For me the Solo movie was kinda meh because I could not get past the actor who played solo. To me, he looked more like a young Ray Liotta than anything else. There is a young actor who did a star wars scene word for word on Youtube. It was split screen with Ford doing Solo and this kid was spot on. He looked like Ford, sounded like Ford and pulled off the same smirkiness. For my money, I would love to see him in these roles. Anyone know his name? I forgot it as it has been awhile.
Yeah they really should just let this series go and not do anymore. I feel like the last one was super rough and did nothing for the series by existing. The first 3 are great, leave them be. Hes so old and the idea of if they kill him off or have him pass the torch wont be the same as continuing the series. And yeah old man indy XD ... we got young indy, I guess old man indy was going to happen at some point XD
Nature's way of telling Harrison its time to take it easy. They should probably treat this like the Bond franchise and recast the role every few years. Do people really want to see the adventures of old man indy?
59 minutes ago, LordVenger said:Man I love Harrison but he is about to turn 79 yearsold next month. Probably time to hang up the hat and whip my man. I just want to remember Indy as the bad ass he was in his heyday.
Agreed, I hope Harrison is okay, but I said when they announced this my qualms with it all..I probably don't need to rehash, that thread is somewhere but what you are saying is pretty much my feelings.
sometimes you just have to let it go, celebrate the beauty that was, not try to manifest a forced beauty to be.
Man I love Harrison but he is about to turn 79 yearsold next month. Probably time to hang up the hat and whip my man. I just want to remember Indy as the bad ass he was in his heyday.