Great Shots...
It just reminds me how....
The T2 fig Sculpts by NECA really hit the mark!!!
Again Great Pics...
1 hour ago, SclassHiei said:You create whole moments I'll try
The more you do it the easier it will come for you.
1 hour ago, Belmont13 said:Great pictures, the stand out for me is the shot with the T-1000 walking in the flames, great effect.
Thank you @Belmont13I had a lot of fun with these.
Like it looks like it could be a deleted battle scene its so good
You create whole moments I'll try
18 minutes ago, darcreign said:Thank you but Im sure you take great photos, just keep at it until your happy with them.
Great pictures, the stand out for me is the shot with the T-1000 walking in the flames, great effect.
10 hours ago, SclassHiei said:Those are so great shots better than the pictures I take
Thank you but Im sure you take great photos, just keep at it until your happy with them.
Those are so great shots better than the pictures I take