Man I wish this how it would've looked at retail!!!! Great job!
Great job on the photos. They look good.
Also, Im pretty disappointed that the Wonder Woman isnt a retail figure. I was actually looking around trying to find out what it was before I realized it was a custom.
Love your custom paint on the McFarlane Design Wonder Woman. Your version/take on it makes it look even more like Wonder Woman than either of McFarlane's official colours of this design(Both the regular version which I got, and the upcoming Gold Label Version which my brother may get). Though I do have to wonder if WB/DC had any role in McFarlane's official Design Wonder Woman colours, since your colour scheme seems to show more skin. Either way, good job all around.
I wish this wasn't a custom. I would buy it.
Great shot man
The backgrounds and the field of depth make the images...
Nice pics. Looks great with the background.
Powerful shots!
I love the colours in this series. A nice, vibrant change of pace from the brooding pics most of us (especially me) post.