ToraNerd set up each panel with its own captions. Follow the caption panels below:
Panel 1:
- Objective acquired and en route to the extraction point. Hostiles in pursuit and inbound. Request dust-off protocol. LZ alpha in 2 minutes...
Panel 2:
- I don't see why we couldn't have just bushwacked them from the bikes. While you're jacking around with that lunchbox, the extraction helo is inbound and the team is already at the extraction point!
- You mean that crater?
- What crater?! I don't see any... oh shiiiii...
Panel 3:
- Exfil, we are at the extraction point, the LZ is clear and good to-*
- What the hell is... INBOUND! COVER! COVER! COVER!
On 2/26/2023 at 12:22 AM, Outsiders said:
The comic book look works... Try taking it a step further and use Photoshop or caption maker software and add the text and text effects. I bet it would look great...
Thanks! I was considering that, but something about it just doesn't work. I don't know if it's that the mouths are static and closed, or the superimposed text looks weird against a scene you are trying to make as real as possible. Just looks jarring. What I might do however is republish them together with an 'after action' report by one of the team members in callout boxes at the bottom of each scene, just so the text is closer tied to the image. Thanks for the suggestion and feature!
The comic book look works... Try taking it a step further and use Photoshop or caption maker software and add the text and text effects. I bet it would look great...