That got a chuckle out of me lol. Clever use of the smoke effects for cigarettes. Great job!
I like the idea of using those smoking gun effects as cigs. First time I've seen it, and seems like a pretty solid idea.
This reminds me of a really bad cigarette commercial during the '60s or '70s...
Batman: "I'm telling ya... It's too much dealing with it day in and day out. Saving this person. Saving that person. Stopping the Joker over and over..."
Alien: "Tell me about it... Do you know how much I have to deal with just catching people, cocooning them, and stuffing an Alien inside of them? I almost broke a claw!"
Batman: "That's why I switched to Gotham Lights..." "Gotham Lights have that smooth flavor and taste I need to help deal with the pressure of day-to-day crime fighting."
Alien: "Ahhhhh Gotham Lights..."