Check out this first look at the new blister card packaging for Series 4. These are fire.
The blister is designed to stand so they can be easily displayed with the rest of your Action Forces figures.
Package design by: Troy McKie
Shown below are images for the upcoming 1/12 Vanguard Vehicle coming from Valaverse for their Action Force line. This was on display yesterday at the Maryland Toy Expo. The vehicle which is supposed to go up for pre-order later this month will be offered in two different colors, the Gray version which you can see below and a beige version. Note the colorful blue and purple version also shown below is an unpainted prototype and will not be sold to the public.The 20" long vehicle will include a Action Force action figure and is expected to retail for $184.99.
4 hours ago, Atlantis said:Valaverse has certainly made an impact, and it seemed to me when they came on the scene, a great deal of Hasbo's availability and distro failures for GI Joe started to improve. Coincidence or not, the competition is good for both companies.
Expanding their line rapidly....I like the female soldiers but they do need to work on improving their "feminity" or at least making them look closer to their comic book origins. Really digging the Swarm troopers, my faves so far. And they're already making vehicles. Onward and upward!
I dont know if I would say the line is expanding rapidly. I think theyre doing a great job of adding new parts when they can, and finding good reuses for existing parts. Its the difficulty of being a small company with limited resources.
My orders slowed way down a while ago because I wasnt interested in a lot of repaints of the same figures. At this point I mostly only buy brand new characters or gear packs.
As for the female figures, Im pretty sure making some of them not look overly feminine was intentional.
Valaverse has certainly made an impact, and it seemed to me when they came on the scene, a great deal of Hasbo's availability and distro failures for GI Joe started to improve. Coincidence or not, the competition is good for both companies.
Expanding their line rapidly....I like the female soldiers but they do need to work on improving their "feminity" or at least making them look closer to their comic book origins. Really digging the Swarm troopers, my faves so far. And they're already making vehicles. Onward and upward!
1 hour ago, ransomz said:These are all very cool. I'm a Joe fan but haven't bought anything any Valaverse yet. I'm loving what I'm seeing though. Just out of curiosity, I wonder if this is good or bad for Hasbro's Joe line. Does it increase the interest in scale and lead to further purchases from both, or does it take away purchases from Hasbro. Not to imply Hasbro is entitled to those sales. All is fair. I'm just curious if collector dollars are a zero sum game?
While I am no expert, from what I am able to tell Valaverse hasnt hurt Hasbros sales at all. The Classified line is thriving right now. Plus, Classified figures are a little cheaper than Action Force (with the exception of deluxe figs) which has made me personally lean towards buying Joes over AF (I do have Bone Collector from AF though). I think the two lines complement each other quite well. AF are cool if you dont care about having newly made up characters mixed in with established GI Joe characters. I hope to get more AF figures, but that is not going to prevent me from buying more Joes. What I mean by that is, even if I pick up more AF figures, I am still going to be buying the Joes I am interested in regardless. There is no trade off for me in that regard.
These are all very cool. I'm a Joe fan but haven't bought anything any Valaverse yet. I'm loving what I'm seeing though. Just out of curiosity, I wonder if this is good or bad for Hasbro's Joe line. Does it increase the interest in scale and lead to further purchases from both, or does it take away purchases from Hasbro. Not to imply Hasbro is entitled to those sales. All is fair. I'm just curious if collector dollars are a zero sum game?
Shown below is the new Valaverse Action Force Series 3.1 Figures, Accessory and Character Upgrade Sets featuring Gemini, Action Force Riot Trooper (Female) and Action Force Desert Trooper (Female) are available for pre-order from our sponsor available for pre-order are:
Delta Gear (Female) 1/12 Scale Accessory SetDesert Gear (Female) 1/12 Scale Accessory SetSpec Ops Gear (Female) 1/12 Scale Accessory SetEclipse Upgrade 1/12 Scale Accessory SetPandora Upgrade 1/12 Scale Accessory SetKill-Switch Upgrade 1/12 Scale Accessory SetWeapons Pack (Echo) Accessory SetWeapons Pack (Foxtrot) Accessory SetWeapons Pack (Golf) Accessory Set
I want to love these guns because it's a great price and they are decent quality, but they really messed up the scale on most of their rifles and pistols. Some are way too big (particularly for Classified figures), but more are just too small. Their G-36C is ridiculously tiny (so small it flops around in Classified and AF figure hands). Their M4 carbine has a baby sized clip and looks silly next to a Classified gun.
Like most of AF, good concept but not the best execution.
Shown below is the new Valaverse Crimson Shadow Arsenal 1/12 Scale Accessories in Exclusive Collector's Tin are available for pre-order from our sponsor with a suggested retail price of $79.99.Valaverse is proud to introduce a new exclusive tin that will be a great addition to your 1/12 scale figures: the Crimson Shadow Arsenal! With 98 weapons in stock, this tin also includes interchangeable magazines and muzzle flash effects for dynamic posing. Order yours today and add to your collection!
Product FeaturesTin: 11.25 inches (28.58cm)1/12 ScaleMade of plasticUpgrade your 1/12 scale figuresOriginal toy lineBox Contents98 Weapons48 Interchangeable magazines30 Muzzle flash effectsCollector's tin
On 9/15/2023 at 1:34 PM, toynewman said:During a recent convention appearance, Valaverse had announced an Action Force: Head and Accessory packs were coming. Today they showed off the new gas mask accessory and a super clear and red visors that is implemented on the mask. Stay Tuned!
Nice!!! Those would be great for troop building. Now we just need a new Gemini head
2 hours ago, toynewman said:During a recent convention appearance, Valaverse had announced an Action Force: Head and Accessory packs were coming. Today they showed off the new gas mask accessory and a super clear and red visors that is implemented on the mask. Stay Tuned!
Oh my days now that is sweet! YES my son, I am definitely on these. I have the Dorkside exclusive Infantry Commando, and if the red visor comes in the desert variant, he's gonna look even badder than he does now. Now Valaverse needs to improve the female figs and they're gold!