ToyFarce News: McFarlane Toys "Repacks? Repaints? Hold my Beer..." - No-Paint is the New Repaint!
Last week, Toy News International reported about some upcoming DC Multiverse figures variants, that are neither repaints, gold label, silver label, bronze label, platinum edition, "chase" or any of the other made-up names we've come to accept in that line.
Indeed, those figures do not come with different paint colors, a silver or a gold paint job, they come with no paint at all! "Artist Proof" seems to be the name for those. We've now seen pictures of Lobo, Rebirth Superman and Gotham Knights Red Hood (with pew pew hands!) in their most natural grey plastic look.
It is a pretty bold move during a time when people are starting to grow frustrated with the never-ending repaints from other brands, or more recently the repacks on 'vintage card' for the figures that come with the Haslab Rancor (Not even repaints: repacks!). We will see how those 'Artist Proof' figures will be received by the community.
As McFarlane Toys is no stranger to not painting figures at all. The most recent was the addition of an 'Artist Proof' Classic Spawn in their Kickstarter Spawn sets, but one could go even further, back to 1997, when McFarlane Toys was actually giving away (for free!) what is now known as the "Cannes Festival Spawn figure", an unpainted action figure of Spawn from the movie, given to moviegoers in Cannes, France during the International movie festival. At least now, we got a proper packaging...
More news at 11:00... No-paint is the new repaint!
*ToyFarce News is parody news for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously!
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