HA! How many Bratz dolls would you need to make a complete set of "Disney pre-teens who grow to be slutty whores"? Probably a lot! @loll@
funny custom man! it's a shame what becomes of so many young stars i feel bad for her dad. he seems like such a nice guy. i'm sure he's embarrassed.
her parents should have never let her go into the biz until she was older. i'm sure with BR's prior success, he had a little tucked away to giver her when she got older.
HA! How many Bratz dolls would you need to make a complete set of "Disney pre-teens who grow to be slutty whores"? Probably a lot! @loll@
haha awesome work......it made my Joes feel dirty, so I put em in the tub......nice giant hand by the way....
LOL this cracked me up. We may have to make this the Cool Custom of the Week this week.
haha...that is awesome!