Package Description
When Green Lantern Hal Jordan was incapacitated en route to a JLA adventure, Hal's power ring sought out and selected architect John Stewart to be Hal's "alternative" peacekeeper of space sector 2814. Honest and utterly without fear, John was eventually awarded his own power ring and full-time status as a Green Lantern in his own right. He continues battling evil as a Green Lantern, his dedication earning him full membership in the JLA.
Appearance 18/20
John Stewart uses the Batman body with some modifications. The forearms are newly sculpted for Stewart’s wrist bands. Surprisingly his ring hand is also new to have a different, more easily identifiable ring and no glove wrinkles. Sculpt wise the level of detail and proportions are standard. Detail comes from muscle lines and the face sculpt. The black areas mask a lot of the details, but also make him look skinnier and more realistic. The black and green color choices are good, but the best paint application is the head. The skin tone is perfect and the transition from skin to hair is seamless. The painted skin tones on these figures always look better, and I hope Mattel takes note.
The black areas of the figure reflect a lot of light around the muscle lines. The wrist bands are made of a reflective green paint. The combination of the two helps add some texture to the figure in what could otherwise have been bland in the unbroken black areas. The ring constructs mimic the color from the comics well, and despite their size have a good amount of detail in their sculpts. The fist can also be easily put on Hal Jordan’s hand for a Green Lantern combo. Overall this figure is as great as I expected. The head sculpt and color choices are perfect. He looks perfect next to Hal and the Justice League and will fit right in with a collection.
Aritculation 9/10
Articulation is standard for the DCUC line. Range of motion in the torso is very good. The head can hardly look up or down though. The range of motion in other parts of the figure is standard for the line.
Poseability 8/10
Stewart is as poseable as other figures in the line using the standard body. He has some good action poses, but the lack of head motion prevents him from doing the best flight poses. The ring constructs add a lot to his posing. The fist doesn’t quite fit Stewart’s personality, but the rifle is great for posing. Stewart poses easily next to other figures including Katma. Together with other figures in the Green Lantern Corps is when this figure looks its best. From Kilowog to Katma, the differences in size and shape bring out the best features in all the figures in the corps.
Final Judgement 35/40
John Stewart is an excellent figure to go with the Green Lantern Corps or JLA. The style of figure matches Stewart’s character well and is a solid figure. He doesn’t shine among DCUC figures as a whole, so there may be better choices for the casual collector to buy from this line.
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