What will likely happen is wave 1 will hit in the post-Christmas resets (January), wave 2 will follow late in the spring (April-ish) and wave 3 may slip in early summer in some markets. Which means we'll have 3 waves (or between 7-9 packs) to choose from.Actually, according to the JoeCon Q&A, Hasbro doesn't expect the first wave to hit till April. So we may only barely get a second wave by the time the offer expires. I also wonder about limited quantities. If this is such a popular line, and scalpers think there's money to be had... there may be a shorter window for ordering than the expiration date.
The most recent Q&A from Joecustoms asked the very question, and Hasbro's response was "January 08"
Furthermore, the in package samples at Joecon and from overseas fans (Bigduke at Hisstank) supports that the line is basically ready to go at retail.
In regards to whether or not we'll get wave 2 and Hasbro "hedging their bets", Hasbro knows the risks, they loose millions EVERY YEAR on cancelled toylines and products. Hasbro probably lost a LOT more on the cancelled Robot Rebellion assortments than they did on DTC wave 4. It's a fact of business, as are measured risks. In light of the strong sales and retailer response to 25th, I view it as certain we will get wave 2 and even wave 3 (and likely more). I see no solid evidence outside of fan displeasure in the color selections in these not selling, or at least being ordered in number by retailers.
Yes, they *will* go ahead and begin the production process long before Wave 1 hits shelves. They're just hedging their bets, so they havent wasted all that R&D time on a failed subset.
It isn't like they look at wave 1 comic packs, decide they are selling well, THEN start the next wave. No.
Dude, I *just* said that. My point is, they're throwing out a quick and easy Wave 1, then using the sales from that wave to offset the costs of new tooling in Wave 2. It's not as linear as you're making it, it's all in the accounting. It's not like Hasbro literally sits there and waits for money to come in, then pulls a lever, and Wave 2 starts production. I know that, you know that.
But if there *are* no sales on Wave 1 (IE, pegwarmers), Hasbro will take a hit from
A) No orders for Wave 2, which they've already sunk money into.
B ) No sales from Wave 1 to offset that money they've already sunk into Wave 2
So Wave 1 pegwarming could be a tremendous loss for Hasbro, thus the Mail-Away failsafe. If every fan who wants Doc is forced to buy 2 sets of Wave 1, then possibly a third for MOC collectors, that's practically taking care of minimum acceptable sales right there.
Sure, that could end up like VvV wave 4. But don't forget Hasbro DID allow the wave to MasterCollector. It doesn't seem to logical (but then, what do *I* know) to have those figures at that level of "readiness" and not use them.
You do know your example proves my point, and not yours, right? Hasbro went all the way with DTC Wave 4, and took a loss on all that R&D time. Just because The Collector's Club is producing them now doesn't mean Hasbro's recouping all their expenses on designing, and tooling a line that never went to mass market. And unless Hasbro's getting a cut of the sales, they're making profits on that set that are equal to a repaint (IE, just the fees to license the molds).
So no, there's no bright side to the situation with Wave 4 as far as Hasbro's concerned. And there's no way Hasbro would go ahead with Comic Pack Wave 2 without doing everything possible to assure it *doesn't* end up like DTC Wave 4.
Well, I do want DOC and I have been really reluctant buying any figures cause of the articulation.Are there any plans to correct any from the first wave or are we SOL with them?
5 PoP from comic-packs is kind of a lot to get man. I wish it was 5 PoP from the single carded figures, or... dare I say it, FLAG POINTS!!!!!didn't they say that they were going to find a use for our Flag Points?
anyways... with the system they used for Starwars, a lot of people were stealing the PoP certificates and using them... either by taking them from the figures in the store, or buying them and taking the PoP out and returning them. It would be better if they used the barcodes than cerificates.
Anyone see the irony?
Yep it is amazing they didn't learn the first time. I guess since no one was stealing them the 2nd time around for the free cool coin. They thought it would be alright for G.I. Joe. I await the angry posts complaining that their comic packs had no PoPs.
No, we ARE getting wave 2. Hasbro has even revealed plans for wave 3! It is not practical to "wait for sales" before greenlighting subsequent waves as the lead up and manufacturing times would mean that assuming comic packs are in market in January 2008, sales and the decision process wouldn't get the next wave onto retail shelves until the following fall, which would be a 6-8 month gap on releases.Well, that's very presumptuous. Every toyline's continued existence relies on the strong sales of the wave before. If Wave 1 sits on the racks and doesn't move, stores won't order wave 2, and Hasbro wont produce it. Making the Doc mail-away available by purchase of the 2-packs is the way Hasbro can ensure a dodgy concept (outlandish repaints of previously released characters) will sell through, and allow for continued production.
Yes, they *will* go ahead and begin the production process long before Wave 1 hits shelves. They're just hedging their bets, so they havent wasted all that R&D time on a failed subset.
What will likely happen is wave 1 will hit in the post-Christmas resets (January), wave 2 will follow late in the spring (April-ish) and wave 3 may slip in early summer in some markets. Which means we'll have 3 waves (or between 7-9 packs) to choose from.Actually, according to the JoeCon Q&A, Hasbro doesn't expect the first wave to hit till April. So we may only barely get a second wave by the time the offer expires. I also wonder about limited quantities. If this is such a popular line, and scalpers think there's money to be had... there may be a shorter window for ordering than the expiration date.
Of COURSE future sales are dictated, in part, by prior sales. But that's IN PART. That isn't the only factor. The Dreadnok pack is in wave 2 and obviously ready to go. Will we see it? I believe we will, even if the first wave is lackluster. I believe, if the possiblity of future waves were solely dictated on current waves, they wouldn't do "pure repaints" of characters, especially given this is geared more towards collectors.
Something I think your overlooking in what he said is that it takes a significant amount of time to prep the next waves of figures. It isn't like they look at wave 1 comic packs, decide they are selling well, THEN start the next wave. No. They have wave 2 (and maybe even wave 3) at SOME stage of readiness (and based on the Dreadnok pics, we have an idea of what that is).
Sure, that could end up like VvV wave 4. But don't forget Hasbro DID allow the wave to MasterCollector. It doesn't seem to logical (but then, what do *I* know) to have those figures at that level of "readiness" and not use them.
5 PoP from comic-packs is kind of a lot to get man. I wish it was 5 PoP from the single carded figures, or... dare I say it, FLAG POINTS!!!!!didn't they say that they were going to find a use for our Flag Points?
anyways... with the system they used for Starwars, a lot of people were stealing the PoP certificates and using them... either by taking them from the figures in the store, or buying them and taking the PoP out and returning them. It would be better if they used the barcodes than cerificates.
Anyone see the irony?
Even if you only have to buy 3 packs it still sucks... 5 out of the 6 figures in the first wave pretty much blowI actually think the entire first wave blows. But that won't stop me from buying it! The completist in me makes me do it. The kid in me (I got nothing...)...
Frosted Mini-wheats reset.....niiice! @lol@
No, we ARE getting wave 2. Hasbro has even revealed plans for wave 3! It is not practical to "wait for sales" before greenlighting subsequent waves as the lead up and manufacturing times would mean that assuming comic packs are in market in January 2008, sales and the decision process wouldn't get the next wave onto retail shelves until the following fall, which would be a 6-8 month gap on releases.
Well, that's very presumptuous. Every toyline's continued existence relies on the strong sales of the wave before. If Wave 1 sits on the racks and doesn't move, stores won't order wave 2, and Hasbro wont produce it. Making the Doc mail-away available by purchase of the 2-packs is the way Hasbro can ensure a dodgy concept (outlandish repaints of previously released characters) will sell through, and allow for continued production.
Yes, they *will* go ahead and begin the production process long before Wave 1 hits shelves. They're just hedging their bets, so they havent wasted all that R&D time on a failed subset.
What will likely happen is wave 1 will hit in the post-Christmas resets (January), wave 2 will follow late in the spring (April-ish) and wave 3 may slip in early summer in some markets. Which means we'll have 3 waves (or between 7-9 packs) to choose from.
Actually, according to the JoeCon Q&A, Hasbro doesn't expect the first wave to hit till April. So we may only barely get a second wave by the time the offer expires. I also wonder about limited quantities. If this is such a popular line, and scalpers think there's money to be had... there may be a shorter window for ordering than the expiration date.
Even if you only have to buy 3 packs it still sucks... 5 out of the 6 figures in the first wave pretty much blow
I actually think the entire first wave blows. But that won't stop me from buying it! The completist in me makes me do it. The kid in me (I got nothing...)...
Even if you only have to buy 3 packs it still sucks... 5 out of the 6 figures in the first wave pretty much blow