What Company Would You Like To See Get The GIJoe Comic License?

by Jay Cochran
January 30, 2008
As was announced at this past summer's G.I.Joe Convention, Devil's Dues hold on the G.I.Joe comic book license will be coming to an end within the near future. So we decided to run a new online poll that asks:

Which company would you like see pick up the G.I.Joe Comic Book License?

Go to the main page of Comic News International where you will find the poll to the right of the screen. Vote now and let your voice be heard as to who you want to see get G.I.Joe.


Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Jeff - 2008-02-07 @ 10:54 pm

Well I've been out for a long time and unless Marvel gets it back and restarts at least from where the first Marvel run ended, I don't plan on coming back. From the look at the poll results it seems I'm not alone in that line of thinking.

CapnJeffro - 2008-02-06 @ 8:13 pm
ya if they reboot Im gone . just been reading too long to start all over again

Unfortunately, this is a catch 22 or damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Some people love what DDP has done with the book since Reinstated and some haven't. I collected the entire first Vol 2 (DDP Vol 1?) and grabbed some of America's Elite. I like the stories, but sometimes I feel like the body count got too high. Of course same could be said about the Middle Eastern conflict in the Marvel run when a slew of main characters got hacked.

If they do reboot - some people will leave. If they don't reboot - some people leave. If they stay with DDP (which is probably a 0% chance) - many people won't come back. If they go some where else - others will leave. It doesn't have to be Hama or Marvel to be a good story. I can understand and take change. But...

If they go to a new comic. Pick a decent point to move from (much like how Mirage ignored the entire Image run with TMNT) and that can be issue #155 from Marvel or one of the two newer Volumes. But I would also like to see a reboot also. Not in a Reloaded style. Keep the characters basically the same with much of their defining stories intact and with the ability to happen again. But also allowing for an update in time and throw in some new life.

Can't please all the people all the time, but hopefully a majority of us will be happy.

jamarmiller - 2008-02-06 @ 12:39 pm

ya if they reboot Im gone . just been reading too long to start all over again

cashelmatthew - 2008-02-06 @ 10:46 am

hi, gang. i'm totally new to these boards... so i hope i'm posting in the correct forum. if not, please remove me and place me elsewhere... kindly, if possible.

on to the point of this topic. i recently learned that devil's due has lost publishing rights with hasbro once the current world war 3 arc ends (ie 36). this book since mark powers and mike o'sullivan created a comic union rarely seen in an editor/writer relationship has garnered praise across the internet and even wizard-and not in the usual wizard hype kinda way. and i haven't even mentioned mike bears pencils or beau--ahh, i can't spell it but he's one heck of a colorist.

anywho, i fear a reboot might be waiting oh-so-patiently in the sandy deserts to strike. the following has been cut and pasted from an earlier matt-missive. it goes like this:

please, idw or hasbro don't reboot. sure, do some movie tie-ins or new cartoon tie-ins but don't skip out on the real story soap opera that i've been loving these past 26 years. spidey got ultimate but was allowed to continue his real continuity, as well... sorta but we're not talking myphisto here. x-men, batman, superman, even wildcats to some extent have gone in new directions and carried new reboots along with them. i just simply see no reason to reboot a continuing storyline that is being critically praised across the net and even in wizard... of all places.

whatever the case, if the current continuity is maintained past this summer, i will be there just like i was through the ninja farce years and joe casey's run--i lovegodland, btw-- but if this is not to be and a reboot is "attempted".... well, my other posts will finish that remark a couple hundred times.

you guys are doing a great job showcasing various incarnations of the transformers with the classic u.k. reprints that expound on the original universe quite well. you have an upcoming animated series, and you have simon's new universe trucking along. movie tie-ins, but i would like to see what happened after jhiaxus (sp?) made his generation two appearance but i digress.

please, for the love of God, don't destroy this pathetic fanboy's love of wednesdays.

oh, and if there's any way possible, please continue with o'sullivan as continuity guru and powers or jerwa on the words.

pipe dreams they may be... but i hold out hope.

transformers couldn't maintain because they rebooted so many times. it becomes a pain after awhile.

let's see these awesome joe current events continue.

afterall, like with all great continuing stories, i want to know what happens next.

i don't want to start all over again.

and i won't.

again, feel free to move me to the correct forum. i was told by a friend that there was a vote or petition going out concerning this dire wraith situation and i didn't see it here... so chances are that i am lost.

except when it comes to the joe. then i'm all there, baby!

thanks for your time. now, does anyone know if the next shipment of joe comic/toy packs (ie duke joining and/or vs. red star) take place in real continuity? like maybe during the seven year break after the original fall of cobra? just curious.)

okay, now, thanks again!

gscbr - 2008-02-05 @ 3:09 am
I'd like to see marvel doing if not only for the possibilities of crossovers with Marvel characters. I'm sick of G.I. Joe/Transformers crossovers. How about G.I. Joe/Captain America or G.I. Joe/SHIELD?
I'd love to see those crossovers, plus, Snake-Eyes & Wolverine vs The Red Ninjas & The Hand.

I may be alone here? (unsure cause i didnt read every post!)

I would like to see the whole thing redone! dump all the history totally! and start from scratch. keep the codenames and give them to someone (hopefully a good writtter!) see what they come up with!

i want to see something totally fresh! we seen the same thing for so long its time for a complete change.

make it marvel also


As in let them start over? Much like Reload was? Or let them keep the same general backgrounds, but reboot as in "start over" in modern day? (Ultimate-style)


as in start over completely! i mean take the codenames a character sketch to someone who has no idea who they are and see what shakes loose! maybe they think SE is a fun lovin joker? or maybe they dont even like the look of SE a decide that the main character used in the book is dial tone? maybe the hero of the book instead of duke its stalker and his love intrest is effects? (ive been watching reality TV too much!!!) im talking FRESH! not reloaded that was a pile of sh@t! modern day modern army for sure. i just think i would love to see what someone could do with a pile of characters they no nothing about kind of like what hama did back in the day!


So, I take it you liked "Superman Returns"? For a reboot, changing the time and places events is one thing, but when they mess with characters physical and psychological aspects, and established relationships among characters, that's when I can no longer relate to the characters and lose all connection with titles. I wouldn't have anything to do with the Joe comics if they did things like that. When someone takes something they know nothing about, and make it their own, that's a total lack of respect for the creator's "ARTISTIC INTEGRITY" of that creation.

I dont feel that its a lack of respect. hasbro owns the charactors and the story! whoever writes and or draws them dont own jack! im tired of the same old thing snake eyes,arashakagi ninja,storm shadow. all that has been done to death! i loved it back in the day...and now. but it belongs back there not now.

time to move forward, with something new i want to open the book and go wow! thats different! not hey look another book of rehashed 80's plotlines!

dont get me wrong i love hama and his work back then. but with all due respect its time to really really give gijoe over to the future. painful to say cause i love all those old tales. i would buy every month to see something new!


I don't want as radical a reboot as you, but I definitely am more interested in a fresh new take on G.I. Joe that is based on the concepts of the characters we already know but in a new direction -- kind of what the movie is doing. but like you, my emotions aren't tied to simply seeing the comic or cartoon retold live action.

Toiletmonkey1 - 2008-02-05 @ 2:53 am
I'd like to see marvel doing if not only for the possibilities of crossovers with Marvel characters. I'm sick of G.I. Joe/Transformers crossovers. How about G.I. Joe/Captain America or G.I. Joe/SHIELD?
I'd love to see those crossovers, plus, Snake-Eyes & Wolverine vs The Red Ninjas & The Hand.

I may be alone here? (unsure cause i didnt read every post!)

I would like to see the whole thing redone! dump all the history totally! and start from scratch. keep the codenames and give them to someone (hopefully a good writtter!) see what they come up with!

i want to see something totally fresh! we seen the same thing for so long its time for a complete change.

make it marvel also


As in let them start over? Much like Reload was? Or let them keep the same general backgrounds, but reboot as in "start over" in modern day? (Ultimate-style)


as in start over completely! i mean take the codenames a character sketch to someone who has no idea who they are and see what shakes loose! maybe they think SE is a fun lovin joker? or maybe they dont even like the look of SE a decide that the main character used in the book is dial tone? maybe the hero of the book instead of duke its stalker and his love intrest is effects? (ive been watching reality TV too much!!!) im talking FRESH! not reloaded that was a pile of sh@t! modern day modern army for sure. i just think i would love to see what someone could do with a pile of characters they no nothing about kind of like what hama did back in the day!


So, I take it you liked "Superman Returns"? For a reboot, changing the time and places events is one thing, but when they mess with characters physical and psychological aspects, and established relationships among characters, that's when I can no longer relate to the characters and lose all connection with titles. I wouldn't have anything to do with the Joe comics if they did things like that. When someone takes something they know nothing about, and make it their own, that's a total lack of respect for the creator's "ARTISTIC INTEGRITY" of that creation.

I dont feel that its a lack of respect. hasbro owns the charactors and the story! whoever writes and or draws them dont own jack! im tired of the same old thing snake eyes,arashakagi ninja,storm shadow. all that has been done to death! i loved it back in the day...and now. but it belongs back there not now.

time to move forward, with something new i want to open the book and go wow! thats different! not hey look another book of rehashed 80's plotlines!

dont get me wrong i love hama and his work back then. but with all due respect its time to really really give gijoe over to the future. painful to say cause i love all those old tales. i would buy every month to see something new!


Pit Viper - 2008-02-03 @ 2:56 am

I am intrigued at what a reboot of the G.I. Joe continuity would be like however we already saw that with G.I. Joe Reloaded and it bombed. Why? Because most fans don't like the idea of G.I. Joe being changed too much. Storm Shadow looking like someone from the Matrix? Duke as a Cobra? The changes were too much. The remedy to this would seem to be NOT to change too much. However if that is what they are going to do then it seems almost pointless to reboot the continuity in the first place.

Yes, a lot of the decisions made over the years in both the Marvel and Devil's Due books seem a bit silly. Snake-Eyes' connection to Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, Baroness, Firefly, Zartan, and 50 other characters for example. However I feel these sort of things could just be ignored. That's not to say they didn't happen but rather they just need not be referenced that much if at all. No one should have to of read any single issue of the Marvel or Devil's Due series to know what is going on. Keep the stories current without dwelling on things that happened in the past.

The Joes and timeless. Unless they are going to start aging or killing off nearly all the Joes from the 80s they cannot be dated. Those who fought in Vietnam will instead have to make references (if they must) to "the war" rather than specifically stating which one it was. I don't want to see flashbacks of Stalker, Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow in the Gulf War. Leave the past in the past. It wouldn't do any good updating the story in such a way as even the Gulf War was 17 years ago.

Rebooting the continuity may seem to be an easy fix to this issue but eventually that new continuity would have to rebooted once it gets to a point where the Iraq War or the Afghanistan War was too long ago for those who served in it to be still be fighting. Besides, you gotta believes that a reboot would just end up retelling the same tired stories over and over again. The Snake-Eyes/Storm Shadow drama . . . the creation of Serpentor. We do not need to relive these moments again and again. If they want people to be interested in a G.I. Joe comic book again they will have to deliver new and original stories while at the same time not reporting to killing off popular characters for shock value. It's easy to bring back someone like Serpentor who was a clone in the first place but how are they going to bring back Lady Jaye?

With all this said I'd like to see a G.I. Joe comic that is simply G.I. Joe. Not The ongoing drawn out story of G.I. Joe. They really need to get over the Snake-Eyes/Storm Shadow thing. It's done to death! One of the reasons I find myself preferring the cartoons to the comics is because in the toons they did not dwell on what had happened in the previous episodes. Cobra would hatch some new scheme. The Joes would find out about it and try to stop them. The two sides end of clashing and in the end of Joes would win. I'd actually like for the comic to be more like this.

harkiri - 2008-02-02 @ 3:25 pm
please no, no superheroes in GIjoe, serpentor I can deal with, clones I can kinda deal with, even the ninja mysticism I can deal with, but please please please no spiderman, xmen, etc crossovers.

But you can handle big giant robot crossovers as oppsed to a Nick Fury or Captain America crossover?

Nick Fury and captain america I wouldnt have too big of a problem with, I would actually get a kick out of the Cap vs Serpentor, both supersoldiers, I think it would be a good one, but the mutants, like Wolverine, spiderman, dont really fit into the "gi joe universe" if you like. when DD did a tf/gijoe crossover, it was set outside the normal gi joe universe, when marvel mixed megatron at the end of the gi joe run, in the main series, that annoyed me. when Marvel does crossovers its in the main series and becomes part of the continuity, when DD did it, it was outside normal stories. maybe they have changed thier ways over the years, but they like to do stories that effect the whole universe nowadays, and I dont want to see gi joe get hit with that.

I AM SCI-FI - 2008-02-02 @ 3:11 pm
I'd like to see marvel doing if not only for the possibilities of crossovers with Marvel characters. I'm sick of G.I. Joe/Transformers crossovers. How about G.I. Joe/Captain America or G.I. Joe/SHIELD?
I'd love to see those crossovers, plus, Snake-Eyes & Wolverine vs The Red Ninjas & The Hand.

I may be alone here? (unsure cause i didnt read every post!)

I would like to see the whole thing redone! dump all the history totally! and start from scratch. keep the codenames and give them to someone (hopefully a good writtter!) see what they come up with!

i want to see something totally fresh! we seen the same thing for so long its time for a complete change.

make it marvel also


As in let them start over? Much like Reload was? Or let them keep the same general backgrounds, but reboot as in "start over" in modern day? (Ultimate-style)


as in start over completely! i mean take the codenames a character sketch to someone who has no idea who they are and see what shakes loose! maybe they think SE is a fun lovin joker? or maybe they dont even like the look of SE a decide that the main character used in the book is dial tone? maybe the hero of the book instead of duke its stalker and his love intrest is effects? (ive been watching reality TV too much!!!) im talking FRESH! not reloaded that was a pile of sh@t! modern day modern army for sure. i just think i would love to see what someone could do with a pile of characters they no nothing about kind of like what hama did back in the day!


So, I take it you liked "Superman Returns"? For a reboot, changing the time and places events is one thing, but when they mess with characters physical and psychological aspects, and established relationships among characters, that's when I can no longer relate to the characters and lose all connection with titles. I wouldn't have anything to do with the Joe comics if they did things like that. When someone takes something they know nothing about, and make it their own, that's a total lack of respect for the creator's "ARTISTIC INTEGRITY" of that creation.
jamarmiller - 2008-02-02 @ 9:02 am
My take on continuity is that this: to me, the Hamaverse is as sacred as other major fiction continuities in pop culture. If George Lucas decided to take the Star Wars license away from Dark Horse and give it to another company, it would be UNTHINKABLE for them to reboot star wars. Imagine... now Darth Vader is an alien from Greedo's planet, Luke and Leia are no longer related, and wookies are now short and purple. Would ANYBODY buy that?! "Oh, it's a fresh start! It's accessible to new readers!" Hmmm... no. The SW universe is seriously complex and convoluted. It makes Joe look very straight-forward, but it would cause riots in the streets if SW was rebooted because people didn't want to go to the trouble to to read up on the 30+ years of history in that universe.

I feel the same way about Joe. The history is what makes the characters who they are. Otherwise they are generic blank slates wearing camo and ski-masks. Take away the stories and the universe that has been created, and they aren't the same characters. Treat the history of the franchise with the same respect as other great pop-culture franchises. That's all I ask. Dumbing it down because new readers are too lazy to figure out the nods to the past tells me that they aren't particularly interested/invested readers, and thus unlikely to buy a lot of comics or toys going forward. Hasbro would be foolish in the long term to cater to them. I also see a reboot as a way to hire writers who are not interested in doing the required homework to write stories in the hamaversa. It's lazy. It shows a lack of respect to the decades of history, insults the readers as if we aren't going to remember how it "really" happened, and reeks of a short-term money grab cloaked in the disguise of a "fresh start" (cue the game-show-host smiles... and purple wookies :roll: )

Please, IDW, this is not Transformers. This history doesn't suck. It's possible to make a book accessible without starting over.

this is funny because I was thinking of the star wars thing myself this morning when i was away from the computer and was going to post something very similar, but poster from Joereloaded.com hit it right on

reboot star wars? LOL now you can understand the point of us not wanting a reboot of GI JOE

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