G.I.Joe Hasbro Product Recap From JoeCon 08

by Jay Cochran
July 8, 2008
Hasbro has released many of their slides from the panel they held at last month’s G.I.Joe Convention in Frisco TX. Most are items we already showed you during coverage of the convention. However shown here for the first time is a look at Hasbro's upcoming COMBAT HEROES sets:

- Snake-Eyes w/Timber and Zartan
- Bazooka and Firefly

these will be sold at general retail for $5.99 each.

Check out all the new images below and for more information on these, be sure to check out TNI's complete coverage of the 2008 JoeCon HERE.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
BrotherShane - 2008-07-23 @ 1:59 pm
But the biggest thing is this: DESTRO COMES IWTH AN EXTRA HEAD. That's amazing! Think about it!

Destro won't come with two heads, the black head is a variant and the chase figure.

pesatyel - 2008-07-23 @ 7:45 am
I WAS looking forward to the Greenshirt/Firefly pack, but between crap colours (I want the Original 13, not these reimagined uniforms; don't like the blue Firefly) and though forearms, I'm going to pass.

The greenshirts (and their colors) look to be modeled after their animated counterparts. They actually look pretty close in appearance to the cartoon.

Thats what I was thinking.

Personally, I prefer this look over the comic look which is way too bland imo.

I can understand that, and it's good that they're trying to keep it cartoon-accurate, but it kinda sucks for comic hardcorists like me.

@pesatyel: The Ultimate Battle pack says something about batteries on the package, so I'm guessing the Mobat is motorized. Otherwise, it'd just be a Bat.


Well it would be analagous to when they used the Mauler mold for the Slaughter's Marauders Elminator. They took out the electroncs and added wheels. I think the battery case was "dubbed" a storage bin or something.

1337W422102 - 2008-07-22 @ 8:42 pm
I WAS looking forward to the Greenshirt/Firefly pack, but between crap colours (I want the Original 13, not these reimagined uniforms; don't like the blue Firefly) and though forearms, I'm going to pass.

The greenshirts (and their colors) look to be modeled after their animated counterparts. They actually look pretty close in appearance to the cartoon.

Thats what I was thinking.

Personally, I prefer this look over the comic look which is way too bland imo.

I can understand that, and it's good that they're trying to keep it cartoon-accurate, but it kinda sucks for comic hardcorists like me.

@pesatyel: The Ultimate Battle pack says something about batteries on the package, so I'm guessing the Mobat is motorized. Otherwise, it'd just be a Bat.

pesatyel - 2008-07-22 @ 4:56 am

Ok, I'm late to the party lol. I forgot completely about the con (not to mention being busy).

The "Ultimate Battle" Pack: Who is in it? H.I.S.S. Driver, Steeler, Destro, Short-Fuze? Cobra Commander? I wonder if the M.O.B.A.T. will still be motorized. I dunno, seems like a waste to JUST get Short Fuze. The M.O.B.A.T. is a weak toy to begin with and how many H.I.S.S. do we have now?

Firefly vs Greenshirts: Looks ok. The greenshirts look "generic" enough I guess.

Crimson Guard 5 Pack: What a ripoff. Not only did we get singles AND those "rank" 3 packs, I could just get ONE of these packs instead of trying to hunt down the singles? I think the officer here looks better than the 3-pack.

DVD Battle Pack (Snake Eyes, Major Bludd, Cobra Commander, Quick Kick): Is it worth it to get all those crappy figures just to get Quick Kick? I think so. Its a nice looking figure from the pic. With any luck, they will have done something about Major Bludd's arm. Quick Kick is the ONLY reason it will sell.

DVD Battle Pack (Dusty, B.A.T., Serpentor): You HAD to know Dusty would show up in the line. Why would they do a 12" of him and not here? I hope this set isn't the same prices as the 4 figure one. Cause that dead guy is NOT going to cut it. Is this their attempt to do an "original version" Serpentor? It sucks. But even with that, its still a keeper.

G.I. Joe Air Command (Starduster, Wild Bill, Ace): Wild Bill? Yawn. Ace looks better, kinda like the version 3 that came with the Ghoststriker. And, of course, Starduster is the winner here.

G.I. Joe Sea Command (Cutter, Torpedo and Deep Six): Cutter looks fine. Had to expect it with that comic pack Shipwreck. Why didn't they just call him Wetsuit? Actually, I'd use him as Depth Charge anyway. And Deep Six? The "space suit" didn't work so well for a fighter pilot, why the hell would it work for a diver? I guess its adequate, but was it THAT expensive to mold a more appropriate helmet than a fish bowl?

Iron Grenader Command (Destro, Iron Grenadier, Iron Grenadier Officer): I actually like the purple. Interesting though that the red on is the "officer" and not the purple.

Comic Pack (Nemesis Enforcer and Falcon): Falcon was one of my favorite figures. I like the detail on his gear, but the figure itself seems weak. Nemesis Enforcer is ok. Hard to tell just by pics.

Comic Pack (Tripwire and Cobra Commander): Quilting or not, I like Tripwire. Cobra Commander....well the cape and sword are cool.

Comic Pack (Destro and Iron Grenadier): This is a conundrum. With the 3 pack, I'd think it would make more sense to get that then this pack. Desto looks funky.

But the biggest thing is this: DESTRO COMES IWTH AN EXTRA HEAD. That's amazing! Think about it!

Rattler (with Wild Weasel): What to say? We've seen pics of 25th figures in the RAH Rattler, so if they made a mod to fit them, then great! Only thing is, it doesn't look like they did anything like they did the Flight Pod, R.A.M. and Armadillo (not that they had to).

Conquest (with Slipstream): The Conquest was always a weak vehicle. It fell apart too easily. Slipstream though, I like. The mold works, I think.

ninja katt - 2008-07-10 @ 3:36 pm
I WAS looking forward to the Greenshirt/Firefly pack, but between crap colours (I want the Original 13, not these reimagined uniforms; don't like the blue Firefly) and though forearms, I'm going to pass.

The greenshirts (and their colors) look to be modeled after their animated counterparts. They actually look pretty close in appearance to the cartoon.

Thats what I was thinking.

Personally, I prefer this look over the comic look which is way too bland imo. If there were anything that bugs me about this set it would be that they didn't include a black greenshirt like they did with the last set. A female would've been nice too but I know they'd never consider that.

hoganvibe - 2008-07-10 @ 3:20 pm
I swear, Hasbro has it out for me. They make it a point to ruin my favorite characters. First Namor, now Dusty?

It does seem that way. I'm really hoping that they read these boards and realize that ball joints should not be used to the extent that they are using them. But I like the new camo on Dusty.

For the sea captains 3-pack...why another Torpedo? Why not make a kitbashed Keel-Haul out of the new Hawk figure's torso and maybe a new hat? Heck, you could probably even use some existing head and just repaint it. I like the Torpedo figure that we have, and even this color is okay, but I don't see him as part of the sea-going command structure.

That would have made that set! As is, I'll just put the mask on and call it "Duke".

My only problem with the Greenshirts is the Breaker head. Why?

joenubb - 2008-07-10 @ 3:13 pm
I WAS looking forward to the Greenshirt/Firefly pack, but between crap colours (I want the Original 13, not these reimagined uniforms; don't like the blue Firefly) and though forearms, I'm going to pass.

The greenshirts (and their colors) look to be modeled after their animated counterparts. They actually look pretty close in appearance to the cartoon.

1337W422102 - 2008-07-10 @ 2:50 pm

I WAS looking forward to the Greenshirt/Firefly pack, but between crap colours (I want the Original 13, not these reimagined uniforms; don't like the blue Firefly) and though forearms, I'm going to pass.

About the Dusty drama, personally I'm just glad we're getting him. I prefer the look of the DVD pack one, but I'd rather not have to buy the pack just to get that figure.

joenubb - 2008-07-10 @ 1:19 pm

Things are looking pretty awesome. While I don't get into the kiddie versions of all Hasbro product (Combat Heroes, Robot Heroes, Galactic Heroes), they are pretty darn cute. We can use them from the episode 'Once upon a Joe'.

I'm glad to see they fixed the quilting on Tripwire, but wish they could have used different legs and arms w/o the pads. CC actually looks pretty good, reminds me of how he looked in issue #100 of the Marvel comic. Falcon looks better too with the new Duke arms, and Nemesis Enforcer could have more detail form his animated counterpart. It's obvious they didn't fashion after his figure, but after the movie. They came quite close, but there are a few details that were left out. I like the legs too b/c we'll be able to put him into some cool flying poses if he's able to keep his legs tight together. Destro and Iron Grenadier--pass.

Greenshirts and Firefly--yes! Those greenshirts look great!

Can't wait for the DVD packs for V2 Snake Eyes, Quick Kick, Dusty(fix the camo), red faced BAT, and even the skeleton although it's an odd figure choice. The CC and Bludd are okay, but I'll be handing them to my nephews, Serpentor still sucks though! I was hoping that we'd get a brand new sculpt, instead we get a dull colored, incorrect version based on a figure the majority of collectors dislike. The DVD pack is named after him for cryin' out loud, and we get some watered down version. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait for Hasbro to do it right.

All in all, some really great stuff coming out. Yes, there are a lot of repaints and borrowed parts, but the new figures look excellent and I feel make up for it...partially.

Cobra Command - 2008-07-10 @ 11:19 am

Everything is looking great! I really like the purple IG, the cartoon Bats, the better Serpy and Dusty looks great too (regardless of camo pattern). I`m really impressed with that Cobra Commander from the comic pack, they took a rather boring mold and made him look regal as all get out! Heck, i`m even loving that the green tentacles on Nemisis Immortal looks like some kind of bug, wish they fixed his crotch though.

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