Good to see them coming back out even if I only need a second armored cobra commander. Now if only I could ever find some B.A.T. figures!!!!
Is there another updated list of these that are out? I have come across at least 2 of what I am sure are reissues: Baroness (with 'cartoon series' on the package) and Sgt Flash (today. Yes!). At least, I *think* baroness is a reissue?
If they go ahead and release everything that would be fantastic.
of these I still need:
-Black Snake Eyes
-Gold Head Destro
-Storm Shadow
-Snake eyes w./ Timber
-Snow Job
Would love to see release of the Cobra red ninja and Dreadnok buzzer too.
This sucks ass... My stores suck for getting new Joes and waves 1-4 have been sitting on the pegs for months now and Hasbro wants to reissue them... I can't get rid of them and they want to restock the stores with the same where do you live? perfect opportunity for u to become a scalper!
Sure if the remaining figures were the neon Stalker and SE with black Timber and original Flints but we are talking like Cobra Commander, Zartan... The basic peg-warmers...
Hasbro said a "corrected" v1 Flint was coming and I bet that's the one will see in the Hall of Heroes line next year. Glad their reissueing these for those that missed them the first time.
This is great news for me, I can finally army build some Cobra Troopers (never found them in the first place)!Seriously? The only figures I can find are the Trooper and Officer!
Yeah, I know it sounds strange, but other than Wave 3 those were the only two figures that never made it anywhere near me. Stores would get in cases of wave 1 and 2 and put them on the shelf, but the trooper or officer were always missing, even one time when I open two cases on a pallet in walmart. Don't know why, I blame it on Hasbro's hyper-patriotism (ie. maltreatment of Canadian collectors).
This is great news for me, I can finally army build some Cobra Troopers (never found them in the first place)!
Seriously? The only figures I can find are the Trooper and Officer!
On a serious note here... I'm used to referring to 'chrome-face' CC as being in 'battle helmet'. Is there another, more common fan term that I should be using? 'Combat helmet'? 'Metal mask'?I'm completely serious. I know it's not the first time I've mentioned it, and probably not the first time someone's questioned it.
No, no it was completely my fault.
I think Battle helmet is quite apt. I just had a blonde moment, and wasn't paying as close attention as I should have, I glossed through the pics, and only recalled seeing the armoured CC. I guess seeing a battle helmet CC is so common, I guess it just doesn't register for me anymore.
I need firefly too but i have the comic pack one.... which one was better in your opinion? the single carded one or the comic pack one?(as far as accessories and looking on display) I just bought the comic pack because i never saw the single carded one anywhere at retailAccessories/display wise, the comic pack Firefly is simply awesome. That backpack alone made me giddy.
The single pack FF has it's own merits, but once you get past the 'nostalgia factor'... it's just not as good, IMO.
In addition, they aren't even labeling them correctly! The battle helmet CC has the MASS Device crystal from the cartoon, yet says 'comic', and Flint is in his regular colors, despite saying it's based on the cartoon.What Crytsal???
Battle helmet, not armor.
On a serious note here... I'm used to referring to 'chrome-face' CC as being in 'battle helmet'. Is there another, more common fan term that I should be using? 'Combat helmet'? 'Metal mask'?
I'm completely serious. I know it's not the first time I've mentioned it, and probably not the first time someone's questioned it.
"Bumper Face" should work. Isn't that what Gung-Ho use to call him on the cartoon?
YES!!!! @ohyeah@ @ohyeah@ @ohyeah@ Now I can get the ones I missed, and can open the ones I already got and kept in the packaging!
Thats nice that there reissuing some of the early wave of figures that people had a hard time finding due to scalpers.
But come on Hasbro, if there going to reissue older figures can't they at least fix some of the figures that had problems.
Like Flint w/ those horriable Duke arms and the Viper w/ those funky wrist. And while your at it, give us some better paint apps and also get rid of those diaper crotches.
But that is just my two cents.