The guy at the Hasbro booth told me that Duke is not the final production one, and he actually WILL HAVE DUKE ARMS. (But he will be the last one). You can't believe everything you see in the cases. sad.gif
so i take it we can expect to see 50,000 more dukes after this one... only they're arms will be fixed? AWESOME
Definitions of Irony #788: Using a picture of Duke which clearly has the new arms to complain about Hasbro not fixing Duke's arms.
The guy at the Hasbro booth told me that Duke is not the final production one, and he actually WILL HAVE DUKE ARMS. (But he will be the last one). You can't believe everything you see in the cases.
That Duke makes the prior jetpack single-carded release seem kinda redundant, never mind the fact that the colors on this new one are more toon accurate. *sigh* I'd love to see them release this Cobra Commander as a single though. If so I might be tempted to buy one...
I might take that first jetpack Duke and do a headswap with this one. I can throw that jetpack ont Grand-Slam now too. I did like the colors on that first one though. I can always use that first comic pack Duke head though, I have no other use for him.
lol Well if Hasbro hears this again and again they may figure out that we're catching on, just like with the duke arms and Major Bludd .Duke, Cobra Trooper, and CC again? Geez, aside from SE these are the most over-used molds of the line. I love Hasbro's new formula of packaging a ton of repainted junk with an original figure. I'm just glad I don't want Short-Fuze (although I feel bad for anyone who has to drop 50 bucks just to get him). On the brightside, Duke's corrected arms will be nice once I get rid of the crappy head. Also, I'll be getting the claw without having buy that gawd-awful, red cobra trooper. Oh, and of course there's alpine.I said the same thing lol. Thing is, if I recall correctly, this was suposed to be a DVD of the movie, but they changed it to "best of" episodes for some reason. Hence screaming Duke and CC's chrome faceplate (as well as the bomb he places at the statue).
That Duke makes the prior jetpack single-carded release seem kinda redundant, never mind the fact that the colors on this new one are more toon accurate. *sigh* I'd love to see them release this Cobra Commander as a single though. If so I might be tempted to buy one...
The real pisser is going to be yes, we will buy all these sets for the unique figs (Short-Fuze, Quick Kick, Dusty, and Alpine), then later on Hasbro will release them single carded. It's bound to happen, and yet we'll all fall for it anyway, and kick ourselves for it later! (I know I'm probably going to...)Oh yeah. No question about it.
Then either don't buy the single card or hang on to your receipts and packaging and return the multi packs later. I understand the reason why toy companies do multi packs filled with repaints and ONE new figure. It really is marketing genious but it pisses me of too. If you aren't afraid to return stuff, you don't have to play in to their game.
Bear in mind though, there is a high possiblity that, if they do singles, they will be repaints. And, by that, I mean they will not have "correct" colors. Thus, if you want to get Alpine looking like Alpine, you have to get the pack. And then, if you want Alipine dressed in desert colors, get the single.
Duke, Cobra Trooper, and CC again? Geez, aside from SE these are the most over-used molds of the line. I love Hasbro's new formula of packaging a ton of repainted junk with an original figure. I'm just glad I don't want Short-Fuze (although I feel bad for anyone who has to drop 50 bucks just to get him). On the brightside, Duke's corrected arms will be nice once I get rid of the crappy head. Also, I'll be getting the claw without having buy that gawd-awful, red cobra trooper. Oh, and of course there's alpine.
I said the same thing lol. Thing is, if I recall correctly, this was suposed to be a DVD of the movie, but they changed it to "best of" episodes for some reason. Hence screaming Duke and CC's chrome faceplate (as well as the bomb he places at the statue).
And Duke's face might work with the vibrant 'toon colors... Don't know for sure, I'll hold off jugment till I see these guys in the store. Really, I'm just paying $20 for the DVD's like I would on Ebay for the old Kid Rhino ones, the figures are a bonus to me, so I can't gripe. I've seen the first two packs at Target, and even the figures that I wasn't crazy about at first have superior paint jobs to their previous releases.
Wow, that Cobra Commander looks awesome! I'm still pretty happy with my TRU 3-pack CC so I'm sure he'll do for now, but the chrome face and bigger head would be a definite improvement-- unless... That new helmet looks a little big to me, like maybe it can come off, too. I don't really have a problem with that, per se, Hasbro's made plenty of cool figures with removable masks from Darth Vader to The new Armored CC. I'm just worried about what's under the mask, this being a Cartoon Movie Commander. Do you think, maybe, just maybe... ONCCE-WASSS-A-MAAANN!!! LOL
Duke, Cobra Trooper, and CC again? Geez, aside from SE these are the most over-used molds of the line. I love Hasbro's new formula of packaging a ton of repainted junk with an original figure. I'm just glad I don't want Short-Fuze (although I feel bad for anyone who has to drop 50 bucks just to get him). On the brightside, Duke's corrected arms will be nice once I get rid of the crappy head. Also, I'll be getting the claw without having buy that gawd-awful, red cobra trooper. Oh, and of course there's alpine.