According to a Ragi Foesmasher over at, there is a new retailer pre-order list that was revealed in the newest issue of Previews magazine for a new wave of G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra figures, wave 5 that includes the following figures.
- Blowtorch
- General Hawk
- Steel Brigade Trooper
- Cobra Trooper
- Cobra Commander
- Jungle B.A.T.
To add further credence to this rumored list, an early production sample of the Jungle B.A.T. has hit the Internet thanks to the folks over at
ACToys which you can also see below.
Now just a few things that should be noted before taking any of this as an actual confirmation that these figures will ever see the light-of-day. These lists which get sent out to retailers in advance are often used as a way to gauge how much interest their is in a product, and if it turns out their is little interest then many times the products get scrubbed or depending how far along in the production process they are end up getting released through other means, like the discount chain stores such as Ross where we have seen many Joe products getting sent to in recent months. An early product sample like the one shown from ACToys should also
NOT be considered a confirmation of a products release because like with the lists, if retailers show little to no interest in carrying something, it's not likely you are going to see them sold on store shelves.
We here at TNI have been very impressed with the current POC offerings Hasbro has been releasing and we hope this line has a strong continuance into 2011, (which we will hopefully find out more information on next month at Toy Fair).
Let us know below, do you want to see the "Pursuit of Cobra" line continue through 2011, or are you ready for something new?
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