With 570 Star Wars Black Series Figures, 700+ Marvel legends, collecting a few more GI Joe figures can't hurt, right? I still remember collecting the comic books and also regret not keeping them and selling them for almost nothing to a comic book store.
1 hour ago, mako said:I'm not even against a 1/12th Joe line per-se, (if such a thing actually happens) I just thought the irony of the situation was to great not to be noted.
Another thought that just now occurs to me: IF this rumored 1/12th line Hasbro is allegedly doing to support the Snake-Eyes movie does happen, we only assume it would be some "Black Series"/"Lightning Collection' type affair. What if it turned out to be one of those 5 POA kiddie lines Hasbro releases with every MCU movie? It certainly wouldn't be the first time they released a crap-line to support a Joe-film.
Just something to think about.
Rise of Cobra and Retaliation had some good figures
Elite Viper
Air Raid
Bench Press
Bruce Willis
Ultimate Storm Shadow
Red Ninja
51 minutes ago, mako said:I'm not even against a 1/12th Joe line per-se, (if such a thing actually happens) I just thought the irony of the situation was to great not to be noted.
Another thought that just now occurs to me: IF this rumored 1/12th line Hasbro is allegedly doing to support the Snake-Eyes movie does happen, we only assume it would be some "Black Series"/"Lightning Collection' type affair. What if it turned out to be one of those 5 POA kiddie lines Hasbro releases with every MCU movie? It certainly wouldn't be the first time they released a crap-line to support a Joe-film.
Just something to think about.
There is kids stuff coming but this isnt that. This is collector stuff, at least based on what multiple sources have said to me. The main give-away I think is the $20 price. We will of course have to wait for Hasbro to officially confirm before we know 100%.
13 hours ago, Roadpigmaster said:You got a good point...
I'm not even against a 1/12th Joe line per-se, (if such a thing actually happens) I just thought the irony of the situation was to great not to be noted.
Another thought that just now occurs to me: IF this rumored 1/12th line Hasbro is allegedly doing to support the Snake-Eyes movie does happen, we only assume it would be some "Black Series"/"Lightning Collection' type affair. What if it turned out to be one of those 5 POA kiddie lines Hasbro releases with every MCU movie? It certainly wouldn't be the first time they released a crap-line to support a Joe-film.
Just something to think about.
16 hours ago, mako said:I'm legitimately surprised this is getting as positive a buzz as it's getting. You guys realize Hasbro has already tried this three times before, all three times were stinkers.
Nobody wants a new Joe-line more than me, but are we REALLY looking for a repeat of Sgt. Savage, Extreme or Sygma 6?
Not really the same thing. All those lines you speak of had very disperportioned cartoony designes, though honestly Sygma 6 was a pretty solid line in it's weird way. We are talking for the most part upsized versions of the 80's Joes with Marvel Legends style articulation. I've been covering this stuff for 20 yrs and I can tell you even back in the early 2000's there was interest in seeing a Marvel Legends style line for Joe.
3 hours ago, mako said:I'm legitimately surprised this is getting as positive a buzz as it's getting. You guys realize Hasbro has already tried this three times before, all three times were stinkers.
Nobody wants a new Joe-line more than me, but are we REALLY looking for a repeat of Sgt. Savage, Extreme or Sygma 6?
You got a good point...
I'm legitimately surprised this is getting as positive a buzz as it's getting. You guys realize Hasbro has already tried this three times before, all three times were stinkers.
Nobody wants a new Joe-line more than me, but are we REALLY looking for a repeat of Sgt. Savage, Extreme or Sygma 6?
I still don't think that I would commit to an entire line of GI Joe 6'' figures but if Hasbro makes a Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow with the articulation of the Power Ranger Lightning series and the sculpting detail of the Black Series, my wallet is going to be in trouble.
I'm not sold on the 6 inch scale. I loved the look of the Sigma 6 figures but passed on many of those as well because of the size. The 2 inch scale was good for vehicles but the figures were lacking in articulation. With the lack of G.I.Joe on shelves I've looked elsewhere for good figures. Joy Toy has a couple different sizes in figures and the articulation is superb on both the 1:25 scale and 1:18 scale! I've also been impressed with the articulation on the Mega Construx mini figures. Hexa Gear from Kotobukiya is also another line I have purchased from and they are in line with the smaller scale on 1:25. I've always liked the smaller scale figures as I only have so much space.
1 hour ago, JayC said:Hasbro did 4" figures in the exact style of the original Kenner Star Wars but not 6". They have released 6" Black series figures on Kenner like cardbacks but the figures themselves where modern figures. These Joe figures I believe will be made to look like their 80's versions as far as outfits and such but they should be modern sculpts similar to Black Series, Power Rangers Lightning Collection and Marvel Legends.
Oh ok... I saw those figures from the Star Wars Black Series and they look good...
Now the question is if these figures are going to just look like the 25th anniversary but on a 6" inch scale...
If that's the case I'll not be sold on them...