Simple repaint to give Scarlet a more 80's looking by using Vallejo Model Color Oxford Blue (practically perfectly matches the purple on the original arms) and Army Painter Skeleton Bone. Hair was painted with Citadel Khorne Red. Figure was prepped with Rust-Oleum clear Adhesion Promoter primer.
Video overview here:
So much better than this habro sci-fi scarlett.
I love this re-deco! Nice work on the finishes.
Well done!
I don't mind the released figure, but yours looks sooo much better. This is a custom that I may try myself, as opposed to the dozens I see but never get around to. LOL
On 6/3/2020 at 10:11 PM, larkinvain said:Simple repaint to give Scarlet a more 80's looking byusing Vallejo Model Color Oxford Blue (practically perfectly matches the purple on the original arms) and Army Painter Skeleton Bone. Hair ofnet worth was painted forninja 2020 with Citadel Khorne Red. Figure was prepped with Rust-Oleum clear Adhesion Promoter primer.
Video overview here:
That is a better Scarlet.
Wow looks a lot better, I was planning on giving this figure a repaint as well once I get it, its nice to see how the sculpt lookswith a diferent paint scheme. I would have given her a little bit of mustard yellow highlights in some of the parts you painted with the tan/brownish color, but thats just me, it looks really nice as you did it, specially getting rid of all that silly gold color.
I like your repaint.
I really like your custom very impressive
That's a pretty good change
That definitely makes the figure more appealing. I would pick one up if Hasbro did something similar. Great job on the paint job btw. Really well executed.