HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boy this one was something. It took months to figure out what I wanted too do with this figure at first it started as a simple ab crunch modification, then it got outta hand which meant I needed to sculpt armor around the ab crunch which also didn't look to great then, just earlier this week it hit me. Make the shredder I wanted almost like my drawings and here it is!
I used the TMNT Target shredder as the base and took of the rubber shirt he had and sculpted the armor painted it black then silver did the same for the armor on the legs and arms. Then I used the dc collectibles shredder's head drilled in the peg hole then put plati-make in the hole so it could fit on the peg then painted black then silver. Then for the hands I used the closed fist from the Odin BAF iron fist and cut the blades off the DC Collectibles Shredder and glued them on top. then I sculpted around the upper biceps to make them look like the end of sleeves and painted those silver. Then the front loincloth is from the GI Joe Classified Storm Shadow. Then finally for the sword just painted the black and bottom silver and cut the circle around the blade. So that was my custom shredder he is my favorite TMNT character and one of my favorite villains of all time and I'm happy I finally finished him,
1 minute ago, Batfreak87 said:looks good. Wish Neca would make something similar.
Thanks man
looks good. Wish Neca would make something similar.
4 hours ago, ghostbogey said:This is your prototype...right? =^)
Good job
It's finished for now, don't know what else to do
This is your prototype...right? =^)
Good job