I'm all for Hasbro getting to do the crossover skins I just wish it didn't come with an exclusivity deal. I just got in on the McFarlane figures a few months ago and I haven't heard anything about the status of that line, but it seems pretty likely it's done.
29 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:so we really need what now 3 companies making Fortnite figures, sure gotta split that pot then
I'm guessing this is where we will see the Marvel fortnite figures though rather then them being in the Legends line.
maybe it's just me but Fortnite just seems so flavor of the decade, I'm sure it's all prospects positive on Fortnite being tres cool for years to come, but eventually looming on the horizon something will take it's place.. probably even next year. I can't see any of these fortnite lines lasting the test of time, look at poor Overwatch (that's just 1 example)
but hey get while the gettin is goood.
The game isnt anything spectacular overall. What keeps it intersting is its always reinventing itself and has some seriously creative designs to their character skins. So much that it brings me back to the days of original TMNT figures and how creative those were with all their details. I think its pretty smart for these companies to capitalize on this creativity. These characters make excellent figures and kids eat that ish up. Super smart concept since the game changes and adds new skins daily. I think the fact the game reinvents itself every 3 or so months for each season keeps people invested and engaged. Overwatch doesnt really have the kid market. I feel like the age market between fortnite and overwatch are vastly different.
I play fortnite only because its literally the only thing I can play with my buddy who is on xbox when im on pc.(only thing he wants and enjoys to play) Im not a huge fan of the game but i have seen over the time playing it, its relevancy and thats coming from someone that was all about hating on it. This game will be this generations super mario bros. Its literally the only game my 11 year old nephew plays and has been playing for the past like 2 years. (Funny enough i tried to get him to play overwatch and he liked it but didnt really stick to it)
so we really need what now 3 companies making Fortnite figures, sure gotta split that pot then
I'm guessing this is where we will see the Marvel fortnite figures though rather then them being in the Legends line.
maybe it's just me but Fortnite just seems so flavor of the decade, I'm sure it's all prospects positive on Fortnite being tres cool for years to come, but eventually looming on the horizon something will take it's place.. probably even next year. I can't see any of these fortnite lines lasting the test of time, look at poor Overwatch (that's just 1 example)
but hey get while the gettin is goood.
7 hours ago, EvilHayato said:Well that pretty much confirms they arent doing JUST marvel stuff. Its so weird that we now have 3 different companies making fortnite figures.
Not weird at all. As a matter of fact, having a given license "cut-up" and farmed out to multiple companies has become commonplace. I still hold that's one of the big problems with the industry. Instead of one company making toys of a given license, you have two or three companies muddying the waters.
In an increasingly common worse-case scenario you have figures from the same license competing with themselves. Seriously, I can't tell you how many times I've read the fairly ridiculous statement: "It's okay, but it's no S.H. Figuarts" or something similar.
Well that pretty much confirms they arent doing JUST marvel stuff. Its so weird that we now have 3 different companies making fortnite figures.