Shown below from ToyFair 2025 is a look at the new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Re-Ignition Figures from Playmates Toys.
2 minutes ago, Superdude98 said:I thought the origins one was okay, I've been wanting to replace mine though (long story), so this is an exciting prospect to me
The Origins looked good, but was out of scale because they went with "toy scale" for some reason. This one looks like it should fit right in.
43 minutes ago, Jscott991 said:Even better, he can be turned into the first real Orko in like a decade. The MOTUC was so hard to get and is still the best.
I thought the origins one was okay, I've been wanting to replace mine though (long story), so this is an exciting prospect to me
Shown below from ToyFair 2025 is a look at the new M.A.S.K, Rainbow Brite, Popples and more from The Loyal Subjects .
1 hour ago, Superdude98 said:Uncle Montork!
Even better, he can be turned into the first real Orko in like a decade. The MOTUC was so hard to get and is still the best.
Shown below from ToyFair 2025 is a look at the Display from Hiya Toys.
It's very nice to see a real Orko is finally coming. I'm also curious about the Origins Shadow Weaver. I do not like the NE or whatever She-Ra. I had hopes we would get an update on the awful Masterverse She-Ra from a few years ago, but I guess not.
22 hours ago, Jscott991 said:They look like they will be smaller than modern Joes just based on the picture.
They are 2.75" As confirmed by the Loyal subjects
Motu x Thundercats and the new Cartoon Collection figures look amazing. I wish NECA had more new stuff though.