Not too interested in continuing this show.
Man,what a failed show.
I didn't like the first season. Definitely no watching this.
I don't think this series will last more than 3 seasons tops!
Me too. I just thought it was my Chrome Book acting up or something.
Why is this not letting me watch this trailer?
I thought Star Trek was only a movie. I didn't know they had a TV show.
On 7/23/2018 at 6:57 PM, JayC said:I've said it before, IMO ratings don't matter at this stage, their was no way CBS would cancel this show after only 1 season. It was their flagship show for their new streaming service and if they admitted this show was a failure by canceling after one season they would be admitting their streaming service was a failure. The fact they are already bringing in the Enterprise, Spock and Pike is an indication they are trying to pull older Trek fans back into the show. I am intrigued by the new trailer but have little hope it will be any better than last season which I hated.
You bring a valid point with CBS wanting to renew it just to "save face", it kind of reminds of me of when I read that ABC wanted to cancel Agents of Shield but Disney didn't let them.
On 7/23/2018 at 7:57 PM, JayC said:I've said it before, IMO ratings don't matter at this stage, their was no way CBS would cancel this show after only 1 season. It was their flagship show for their new streaming service and if they admitted this show was a failure by canceling after one season they would be admitting their streaming service was a failure. The fact they are already bringing in the Enterprise, Spock and Pike is an indication they are trying to pull older Trek fans back into the show. I am intrigued by the new trailer but have little hope it will be any better than last season which I hated.
I am with you 100%, but I guess I'm a sucker and will give it another go just so I can bash it later and say how bad it still is!
Seriously..what's up with the classic uniforms out of the blue? No pun intended. Are they going to use the crew from The Cage episode?
4 hours ago, Belmont13 said:I'm surprised this got another season, everywhere I go people hated it and were constantly bashing it. Good for the actors that the series is continuing.
I've said it before, IMO ratings don't matter at this stage, their was no way CBS would cancel this show after only 1 season. It was their flagship show for their new streaming service and if they admitted this show was a failure by canceling after one season they would be admitting their streaming service was a failure. The fact they are already bringing in the Enterprise, Spock and Pike is an indication they are trying to pull older Trek fans back into the show. I am intrigued by the new trailer but have little hope it will be any better than last season which I hated.