Yeah I'm thinking Whale is played out at this point. So is Painkiller. Enough.
And while I like the new costume, I'm always suspect of it because of who Black Lightning got it from, so yeah, lets have Gambi do it over.
Actually since the Crisis I was hoping we'd get maybe a kind of "flashback" season that focused on Black Lightning before he got married and had kids. Also would like to see some guest spots from the likes of the Flash and Supergirl. Maybe Kid Flash could meet up with Lightning (Jennifer). Oh well.
Hey, i thought i read somewhere that the chief was off the show. Looks like he got the twelve and came back for the big pay back. Gravedigger needs to use his super powers to get rid of that big scar across his mug. And pay Gambi to make you a new super outfit. Tobias Whale is still ugly.