The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Oscar-nominated 'Lion' director Garth Davis has been tapped to helm the Tron sequel for Disney. Jared Leto has been signed with the project since 2017 and will produce with Justin Springer and Emma Ludbrook. The latest draft of the third movie is written by Jesse Wigutow.
The first Tron movie debuted in 1982 and starred Jeff Bridges as a video game expert and programmer who is transported into the fantastic world inside a computer program. In 2010, the sequel Tron: Legacy, which once again starred Bridges and featured original star Bruce Boxleitner along with series newcomers Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde.
Interesting, I enjoyed the second one let's see how this one turns out.
JayC -
2020-08-11 @ 9:19 pm
42 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:So this is going to be the Sequel to Tron Legacy? not a reboot? good because I really want Tron 3, been waiting loved the 2nd movie
That is what it is looking like. I agree.
Satam -
2020-08-11 @ 8:55 pm
So this is going to be the Sequel to Tron Legacy? not a reboot? good because I really want Tron 3, been waiting loved the 2nd movie
mako -
2020-08-11 @ 12:25 am
Good, good. I'm glad he finally got work after his trying run-in with Vinkman at the beginning of Ghostbusters.
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