On 8/24/2020 at 7:49 AM, Satam said:Kinda uninspired, but I've seen a lot worse.
I want to see it, it's just that why give so much 'spoilers' on YouTube/social media?For me, keep most of the story in suspense, keep quiet about it, then surprise everyone on its day /s of airing. Zach's motives may be to advertise it or just to thank those who fought for his Cut, but I think it'll serve him and the rating of his movie better if most of the story and scenes of the movie are kept in secret for the meantime.
On 8/25/2020 at 11:09 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:Agreed, I'm stoked, I hope this is as good as everything thinks it's going to be, movie had potential.. in fact I didn't even hate the non Snyder cut so if they want to make it way cooler.. I'm all for it
Me too, bro. Got no hate for the first JL movie, in fact, anything DC with this latest team up I will gladly go to the cinemas for, or even rent or stream online. It's just that movie houses here are closed and their coming back ain't getting that vote from the government. I truly think that JL by Snyder should be watched on iMax. It's worth it on any medium, don't get me wrong, but to experience it in the best way possible, for me, is on iMax, in the cinema with family and friends.
Don't let me get started on this movie.....
I will probably see; "The Zack" version....
However.....It will not be high on my; I "got to watch" list....
Actually....It not even on my "got to watch" =^)
Any news on WW84 to HBO Max??? =^)
On 8/22/2020 at 11:21 PM, silverback77346 said:Nice, I wasn't that impressed with the look of Darkseid either but am super excited about seeing this version of the movie. All the good stuff we missed in the first movie.
Agreed, I'm stoked, I hope this is as good as everything thinks it's going to be, movie had potential.. in fact I didn't even hate the non Snyder cut so if they want to make it way cooler.. I'm all for it
Kinda uninspired, but I've seen a lot worse.
Justice League poster from DC Fandome...
I would assume Darkseid isvery early model and not final, additionally,considering that not much time has gone since the announcement of Snyder Cut, but at the same time they don't have big budget to have top notch visual effects soooo who knows. Steppenwolfis definite improvement, many great cinematic scenes in trailer, I'msure that 55-60 percent of the movie will be the same or in similar vein of theatrical cut, which is enough to make movie different or maybe even better or at least less disappointing than the orginal, and unlike WhedonSnyder has hindsight of what didn't work in the movie itself which also helps.
Nice, I wasn't that impressed with the look of Darkseid either but am super excited about seeing this version of the movie. All the good stuff we missed in the first movie. Having our cake and eating it too. And I do love cake.
1 hour ago, Belmont13 said:That Darkseid scene at the beginninglooks like a video game cutscene.
I don't think it looks that good.
I'm a DC guy, so I'm biased. I'm excited about this