Ubisoft quote: “For more than 10 years, millions of fans around the world have helped shape the Assassin’s Creed brand into an iconic franchise,” said Jason Altman, Head of Ubisoft Film & Television - Los Angeles. “We’re thrilled to create an Assassin’s Creed series with Netflix and we look forward to developing the next saga in the Assassin’s Creed universe.”
Netflix quote: “We’re excited to partner with Ubisoft and bring to life the rich, multilayered storytelling that Assassin’s Creed is beloved for,” said Peter Friedlander, Vice President, Original Series, Netflix. “From its breathtaking historical worlds and massive global appeal as one of the best selling video game franchises of all time, we are committed to carefully crafting epic and thrilling entertainment based on this distinct IP and provide a deeper dive for fans and our members around the world to enjoy.”
Can we just stop with video game adaptations? No matter how well intentioned they seem to be they will never ever live up to the hype or the experience of playing the game and having a chance to be actively involved in the story of the game. Also as much as people think they want to see them adapt games they always will find something to critique and no matter what they do, they will always get them wrong because of the lost in translation effect.... Of all the genres in movies and TV out there, Video Game Adaptations need to be retired....
Desmonds story was the best part of Assassinscreed but after thatseries became insufferable random hisotoric rpg devoid of any personality, its sadthat Ubisoft couldntsee why fans were invested in game series at first and I personally dont hold much hope but then again if show runner and writersthey pickedunderstandwhat is best and worst about franchise,they canrepeat something first 4 games did or maybe do even better since unlike games you need interestingreoccurring characters to get peopleinvested in theshow.
Sources from within have informed Variety that the live-action 'Assassin's Creed' series for Netflix have tapped Jeb Stuart to serve as writer and showrunner.
The series was first announced last October as being in development as a deal between Netflix and Ubisoft to develop content based on the best-selling video game franchise. The deal includes live-action, animated, and anime series. Ubisoft Film & Televisions Jason Altman and Danielle Kreinik serve as executive producers.
Stuart is credited with creating the Netflix series 'Vikings: Valhalla,' a continuation of the History Channel series Vikings.' His movie writing credits include 'Die Hard,' 'Another 48 Hours,' and 'The Fugitive.'
I dont play the game but the recent movie based on Assassin's Creed got me stoked.... that i even look forward to seeing a sequel. I hope this one will give me more insight into the mythos.
Assassins Creed is one of my favorite video game franchises but I'll save my excitement until more is revealed. I'm hoping they can find a talented showrunner for this so we don't getanother Castlevania. I guess this means that a sequel tothe movie is unlikely, thats a shame I really liked it.
After AC III I lost most interest, and while games are somewhat fun overall story arch is weak in new games, if they want to make interesting game they should go towards ideas they had with Desmond era games.
I did like the AC movie very much....
Net and Ubi have my interest....
We shall see =^)
I am intrigued. It could be interesting but I fairly skeptical. We ll see what comes of this.