Superman & Lois - 1x01 'Pilot' Season Premiere Preview Images, Synopsis & Promo

by Outsiders
February 15, 2021
In SUPERMAN & LOIS, after years of facing megalomaniacal supervillains, monsters wreaking havoc on Metropolis, and alien invaders intent on wiping out the human race, the world’s most famous superhero, The Man of Steel aka Clark Kent (Tyler Hoechlin, “Teen Wolf”) and comic books’ most famous journalist, Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch, “Grimm”), come face to face with one of their greatest challenges ever - dealing with all the stress, pressures and complexities that come with being working parents in today’s society. Complicating the already daunting job of raising two boys, Clark and Lois must also concern themselves with whether or not their sons Jonathan (Jordan Elsass, “Little Fires Everywhere”) and Jordan (Alexander Garfin, “The Peanuts Movie”) could inherit their father’s Kryptonian superpowers as they grow older. Returning to Smallville to handle some Kent family business, Clark and Lois are reacquainted with Lana Lang (Emmanuelle Chriqui, “Entourage”), a local loan officer who also happens to be Clark’s first love, and her Fire Chief husband Kyle Cushing (Erik Valdez, “Graceland”). The adults aren’t the only ones rediscovering old friendships in Smallville as the Kent sons are reacquainted with Lana and Kyle’s rebellious daughter, Sarah (Inde Navarrette, “Wander Darkly”). Of course, there’s never a dull moment in the life of a superhero, especially with Lois’ father, General Samuel Lane (Dylan Walsh, “Nip/Tuck”) looking for Superman to vanquish a villain or save the day at a moment’s notice. Meanwhile, Superman and Lois’ return to idyllic Smallville is set to be upended when both a mysterious stranger (Wolé Parks, “All American”) and impassioned self-made mogul Morgan Edge (Adam Rayner, “Tyrant”) enter their lives.

The episode was directed by Lee Toland Krieger and Todd Helbing wrote the teleplay for the first episode, based on a story by Greg Berlanti and Todd Helbing. (#101)

Original Airdate: 2/23/2021

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
A_Spidey_Fan - 2021-02-27 @ 8:01 am

I saw the Pilot, and enjoyed it. Thought it was a good beginning of the show. Not sure if I'm going to be going out the way to be watching every week, due to other shows I'm watching mostly and my own time, but it seems like a good beginning at least.

I give them credit for doing something different with Superman on mass market T.V., in that in this series, he's older and established Superman, already married to Lois, has 2 kids, both Kent Parents gone, most likely already met many of his rogues(Though I will assume some rouges will have their origins happen during the show), losing his job at the Daily Planet, and is trying(And maybe struggling) to handle the responsibilities of saving the world and being a father. I'm sure the comics may have cover him and Lois being parents in some sort of short elseworlds series or something, but never in a Mass Media T.V. series before.

Anyways, I like that they are trying this different premise, instead of starting off way back at the beginning and doing the Origins stuff and having the series start off there as we watch how this world develops. We've already seen dozen's of time's Superman arriving on Earth as a baby, his teen years in Smallville(Which may or maynot include Pa Kent's death during his teens), his 1st arrival in Metroplios as Clark Kent and Superman, meeting everyone at the Daily Planet, his Interview with Lois, Superman trying to bepositive influence to everyone and builds his rep, Superman's 1st encounter with Lex Luthor and many of his rogues, Lois falling in love with Superman with no interest in Clark, maybe slowly falling for Clark and having conflicting feelings while not being aware that they are the same guy, finding out Clark is Superman, getting married, maybe death by Doomsday and his resurrection,and what not.

In regards to that scene where Lois tells Clark to apologize to Jorden for missing the therapy session, a couple of things:

(1.) Loiswasn't nagging Clark, or I didn't see it as nagging. She was quickly bringing Clark up to speed on thingshe missed, which included him missing Jorden's session, before she left to take care of something(I'm assuming Reporter stuff). After all, she knows Clark was busy as Superman, and even covered for him by saying that he missed his flight.

(2.) At this time, Clark and Lois haven't told their twin sons that he is Superman, as the episode later has Clarkexplain why he didn't want to tell them. So at this time, the Twins don't know about their dad actually being Superman, just busy going out of town for reporter stuff.

(3.) Jorden is suffering from SAD, so they have therapy sessions to try and help him out. It's possible that sometime before the episode began, Clark must of made a promise to be there for this troubled son, but of course, he couldn't due to his secret Superman stuff.

Don't forget that the theme of the show is going to be about Family, so besides some Superheroics, expect some Family Drama stuff from time to time. How the producers balance it will determine how fans will enjoy the series or not.

In regards to the early flashback scene when Superman catches that truck: It's possible that they just didn't show a scene of Superman checking on the people, even more so since it was a quick flashback/recap on Superman's early beginnings. Since at this time, we don't have production notes, behind the scenes, or anything like that, they could of very well filmed a scene of Supes checking the people in the truck, but editing could of cut it out due to time, especially to air commercials. Or they could of very well just not bother filming it due to the fact that it was only a quick flashback, and not a full scene happening "Right now"if you will. Or it could very well just be something they forgot about at all. Again, we don't know, but from the amount of Behind The Scenes and Director's Commentaries I've watch in various T.V. shows and movies, I'm going with most likely it was filmed and edited out, or they didn't bother to film itsince it was just a quick Flashback Scene and nothing more.

Over all, here's hoping they do well with this series, and it lasts a few seasons, and not get cancelled with just 1 season.

silverback77346 - 2021-02-25 @ 8:25 pm
1 hour ago, Satam said:

I saw that scene where the PT Cruiser is about to land on the kid, and Superman is wearing his '30s suit, and he catches the car, which is badly damaged, hands the kid his hat, which fell off, tells him his mom made the costume, and flies away. Everyone seemed to be creaming their shorts over it and how "Superman is acting like Superman," but he didn't check on the people in the car. They appear okay, albeit clearly shaken up, when he sets the car down, but the fact that he doesn't even ask, "Are you guys okay?" before he goes over to be folksy with the kid who has clearly sustained no injuries did not sit well with me.

Good eye for detail Satam, I didn't catch it at the time but you are right. The writers overlooked that part or either only focused on what they would do.

Satam - 2021-02-25 @ 7:21 pm

I saw that scene where the PT Cruiser is about to land on the kid, and Superman is wearing his '30s suit, and he catches the car, which is badly damaged, hands the kid his hat, which fell off, tells him his mom made the costume, and flies away. Everyone seemed to be creaming their shorts over it and how "Superman is acting like Superman," but he didn't check on the people in the car. They appear okay, albeit clearly shaken up, when he sets the car down, but the fact that he doesn't even ask, "Are you guys okay?" before he goes over to be folksy with the kid who has clearly sustained no injuries did not sit well with me.

Blurr86 - 2021-02-25 @ 5:05 pm
On 2/16/2021 at 6:19 AM, silverback77346 said:

This looks like it's going to be good. I wonder why Lois and Clark lost their job's at the Planet? Of course Clark could run a farm all by himself if he needed to. Can't wait to see the part where he lifts the truck.

{Spoiler Alert} Only Clark islaid off, not Lois. There's a company who has been buying almost, if not, the whole town, who bought the Planet, the bank where Lana Lane is working at, which on the other hand, offered to buy out the farmlands in Smallville (where the Kents are living and where they've kept Clark's spaceship). Smallville has been withering slowly, its inhabitants leaving for the bigger and better pasture from without. It's like this company wantsto keep the town and exploit itssecrets/riches for itself alone.

lazrod - 2021-02-25 @ 3:19 pm
On 2/16/2021 at 12:36 AM, Satam said:

I like the cinematography. I like Superman. I like Lois. I already hate their sons.

On 2/16/2021 at 6:19 AM, mako said:

Real nervous about this one. I mean, this IS Berlanti, and it IS the CW. Then again, its a show about Superman, DC's bread and butter. They wouldn't let them mess with the "S" . . . would they?

Agreed. Like Superman and Lois but the sons...they look like major brats right now.

As for being nervous about the show, Mako, unfortunately I agree about that too.

It appears (fingers-crossed) that they will be allowing Superman to be Superman BUT I'm concerned about all the potential emo drama with the sons, particularly the one with the long hair (Jordan).

Did you notice the scene where Lois nags Clark about missing a "therapy session" with Jordan. Telling Clark he should apologize even though he missed the session because he was saving the world...smh. It is stuff like that that concerns me. I'm really hoping that we won't be seeing a weekly theme of what a "bad father" Clark is because he is Superman and saving the world all the time.

Having said all this, I did like the show, I think it shows a LOT of is Superman after all, just hoping it stays that way.....

Blurr86 - 2021-02-23 @ 6:53 pm
On 2/16/2021 at 1:36 PM, Satam said:

I like the cinematography. I like Superman. I like Lois. I already hate their sons.

Been a Tyler Hoechlin fan since he was on 7th Heaven (tv series). Good actor! And, yeah! those sons are huge brats :D

Blurr86 - 2021-02-23 @ 6:49 pm
On 2/17/2021 at 8:44 AM, Outsiders said:

I keep picturing the scene from the movie Mallrats where TS and Brodie are talking about Superman and Lois having a kid when I see this show...

If I'd go along with the "science" of the conversation you cited, I'd think Sups would adjust his yellow sun revitalizer (something like what they used on Supergirl, the latest TV series, when Kara got drained of power) to red sun, in this way it simply powers him down temporarily. Or, he could have used the Kama Supstra style of the alternate Earth Sups (Smallville) with Lana Lang. There Sups learned some kind of discipline to control his urges (to over-indulge) but that is totally counter "productive" (LOL) since it takes away all the fun and fireworks a superpowered being is supposed to experience during coitus. Using the Kryptonite that renders Sups weak and human may not be reasonable since the side effects could not be totally predictable. So I'll go for the red sun de-vitalizer theory. He'd still feel the climax without much risks--and revitalize out of the barn later to save the world.

Outsiders - 2021-02-17 @ 12:44 am

I keep picturing the scene from the movie Mallrats where TS and Brodie are talking about Superman and Lois having a kid when I see this show...


Brodie: It's impossible. Lois could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes could handle his sperm? I guarantee he blows a load like a shotgun right through her back. What about her womb? Do you think it's strong enough to carry his child?

T.S. Quint: Sure, why not?

Brodie: He's an alien, for Christ sake. His Kyrptonian biological makeup is enhanced by Earth's yellow sun. If Lois gets a tan, the kid could kick right through her stomach. Only someone like Wonder Woman has a strong enough uterus to carry his kid. The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a Kryptonite condom, but that would kill him.

T.S. Quint: How is it that I go from the verge of hot Floridian sex with Brandi to Man of Steel coital debates with you in the food court?

silverback77346 - 2021-02-16 @ 3:32 pm
10 hours ago, Satam said:

I like the cinematography. I like Superman. I like Lois. I already hate their sons.

I won't say hate, but I was concerned on why the younger one was crying about his parents not telling him instead of asking if he would develop powers. Nobody wants a crybaby superboy running around. Maybe the older one is more reserved.

mako - 2021-02-16 @ 11:19 am

Real nervous about this one. I mean, this IS Berlanti, and it IS the CW. Then again, its a show about Superman, DC's bread and butter. They wouldn't let them mess with the "S" . . . would they?

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