Great looking o-ring custom figure. Must be from Lecroy Toys ?
While these action figures aren't something actually getting released, Netflix has released a new promo for the upcoming Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F movie coming to the streaming service today (July 3) featuring a toyline based the Eddie Murphy franchise that started in the 80s.
The video shows two kids and their dad (Shaq) relive the action and adventure of Beverly Hills Cop with toys. Again their have never been any toys based on the 'R' rated movie franchise nor do I expect any figures to actually see release in the future like the ones seen in the video. However this is just another example of how mainstream the world of action figure collecting has become.Would you buy Beverly Hills Cop movie action figures?
Hope its worth coming back for another iconic franchise
Always good to see Judge Reinhold!!!I'm cautiously optimistic about this. Even if it isn't amazing, it should be entertaining- definitely doesn't look as goofy as the third one.
Bad title. Good trailer. I'm glad to see John Ashton back. Nothing against Hector Elizondo (in fact, I like him a lot), but Taggart was sorely missed in that third movie.