10 hours ago, Frozentenderloin said:From day 1 I have thought these figures looked cool and all but I still wish the legs had more articulation than they do. You cant really pose them in decent action poses and the poses you can do look really stiff. I have the first batman released for this line and havent bought any others since for this reason
Unfortunately, it's McFarlane. People used to complain years ago about the lack of articulation in his fig lines, and he used to have this whole big explanation for why he deliberately didn't like or want to include articulation in his stuff. I don't know how much that plays into it, but articulation is clearly not their strong suit to this day, especially in the hips/legs. I think every time I've gotten a new figure (almost always Batman-related) and taken it out of the package, I end up being disappointed by the perplexing lack of actual poseability. Example is the latest Knightfall Batman. The ability to move his legs/hips in ways that are true to the Batman character is really limited and that's just plain sad.
That Batgirl is a really nice fig. Best of this line so far, IMO. Somebody put some attention into this one.
From day 1 I have thought these figures looked cool and all but I still wish the legs had more articulation than they do. You cant really pose them in decent action poses and the poses you can do look really stiff. I have the first batman released for this line and havent bought any others since for this reason