How hardcore can you be if you don't even know what Footloose looks like?Ummmm...because by '84 GI JOE had stopped being the cool, realistic military outfit I enjoyed just too years earlier and it became inundated with stupid cartoony characters like Scoop, Dusty and Chuckles. It totally jumped the shark so I jumped ship. By then, I'd outgrown playing with toys and I discovered chicks and sports anyway.
Sounds like what you are saying is that you weren't very hardcore about it. That's ok...I'm not Hardcore about it either. I don't really enjoy anything after 86. That's why I don't go around talking about how hardcore I am into Joes when really I'm not.
How hardcore can you be if you don't even know what Footloose looks like?Ummmm...because by '84 GI JOE had stopped being the cool, realistic military outfit I enjoyed just too years earlier and it became inundated with stupid cartoony characters like Scoop, Dusty and Chuckles. It totally jumped the shark so I jumped ship. By then, I'd outgrown playing with toys and I discovered chicks and sports anyway.
Scoop came out way after Dusty, Footoose and Chuckles.
Footloose and Dusty are awesome.
Dusty was the man. He bagged that one chick in the desert. I think him and Footloose tag teamed her.
Gosh you're right Evilstar. Because I liked most of the Joes that came out after 84', I never got into sports or chicks. I was a super gay dork weakling turd. It's too bad I liked Dusty because he's so cartoony and unrealisitic. That just started my major lifelong spiral of failure.
Overall they all look good. I don't know what happend to B.A. C.C. in the package but he looks just fine out of the package. Torpedo is just awesome. My only complaint with R & R is his gun. I wish they would have simply made the entire gun black instead of the same green as his uniform with a black butt.
When did Torpedo go from being 'Cheif' to 'Lt.'?Because Hasbro no longer has a trademark on the code name: Torpedo, that ended many years ago. So they change the name to Lt. or Chief Torpedo.
samething w/ Scarlet - Agent Scarlet and Jinx - Agent Jinx.
I think what he meant was why did his rank change from that of a warrant officer to that of a commissioned officer? That is a big difference in the military. And it just seems kinda dumb because he could still been Chief Torpedo and there would be no issue with it. However, I do not know if the original figure was a Chief or an LT. Might have to research that.
Yeah that is what I was asking. I just looked at his original filecard and it list him as a WO-4 (Warrant Officer). As a lieutenant he has risen at least 3 ranks!
There is a Warrant to LT program for Warrant Officers that want to advance. A person would have to be selected for the advancement but it is possible.
When did Torpedo go from being 'Cheif' to 'Lt.'?Because Hasbro no longer has a trademark on the code name: Torpedo, that ended many years ago. So they change the name to Lt. or Chief Torpedo.
samething w/ Scarlet - Agent Scarlet and Jinx - Agent Jinx.
I think what he meant was why did his rank change from that of a warrant officer to that of a commissioned officer? That is a big difference in the military. And it just seems kinda dumb because he could still been Chief Torpedo and there would be no issue with it. However, I do not know if the original figure was a Chief or an LT. Might have to research that.
Yeah that is what I was asking. I just looked at his original filecard and it list him as a WO-4 (Warrant Officer). As a lieutenant he has risen at least 3 ranks!
There is a Warrant to LT program for Warrant Officers that want to advance. A person would have to be selected for the advancement but it is possible.
How hardcore can you be if you don't even know what Footloose looks like?
Oh yeaaaaa Baby
gonna get 2 of each
Love Rock n Roll that was my first figure as a kid.
And topedos great but I want a Deep Six!!!!!
So is wave 6 just three figures? What else is in this wave?
I like BA CC out of the package, but in the package, good God, man! Double hip dislocation! Someone call Doc (after he's been rescued with the required proofs of purchase).
The RnR figure is hit and miss. I can trim some elbow on him to make him just as articulated as any other 25th, but that swivel forearm NEEDS TO GO. Come on, Hasbro, you've gotten enough mileage out of those crappy arm molds. Get rid of them. They've screwed three figures already,. we don't need to make it four.
And what's with that oversized MG anyway? I know the original RnR had a good-sized weapon, but this thing is way too bulky even if it is an MG42. The ammo belt looks oversized as well. Too bad about those flaws because the rest of him looks really nice. Head sculpt is dead on.
Torpedo may be the only figure to save this wave. I can see a lot of commando type customs coming out of this sculpt, and if they did a black and yellow version later down the line, we could have some pretty nice cartoon-version divers.
Viva la tube worms!
I`m suprised with all the hate for CC, I think he`s perfect! CC is a skinny guy and this portrays him perfectly! I want a couple for customs, alot of potential here! Oh and I really hope we can get an Eel out of Torpedo!no, that figure is skinny like a woman... and whats up with his legs popping out at the crotch piece??
Exactly! It's like his legs are meant to come off.