Man, those Blackest Night figures look much better on display can't wait. I don't mean to be nitpicky but shouldn't Saint Walker have a long lekku tail thingy on the back of its head.
i hope they show the blackest night wave 4 wonder woman figure here
All I saw was a blacked out silhouette, like they did for Superman. My guess is it will be Hippolyta - I think she's still dead, right? That is, if it's a Black Lantern, anyway.
i hope they show the blackest night wave 4 wonder woman figure here
I like the Captain Atom figure.
The only DC Direct figures I buy are the Green Lantern-related ones, so this looks like a good year for me. Love that all the figures come with Corps-specific stands, and Agent Orange coming with Glomulus is really cool.
But...does Bruce's skull have bat ears? WTF?
Seeing these in person made my wallet cry because they all look so awesome.
HOLY $%^&
Hal Jordan, Zoom, And The Atom Mcguinness.
Seeing these in person made my wallet cry because they all look so awesome.