SDCC Day 2: Mattel/DC Panel 'Now with images'
by Outsiders
July 24, 2009
We are bringing you live coverage of the DC/Mattel panel here at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con.
You've been a fan of Mattel's popular DC toy lines, now find out the latest news, sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes scoop on your favorite Mattel/DC action figures, including DC Universe Classics, Justice League Unlimited, Infinite Heroes, and exciting new lines like Batman: The Brave and the Bold, as well as the world premiere of new action figure lines announced here first! Join Mattel Toy designer Bill Benecke, Mattel marketing brand manager Scott Neitlich (AKA "Toy Guru"), The Four Horsemen, and representatives from DC Comics and Warner Brothers for an insightful Q&A.
We will be posting updates from the panel as they happen over the course of the next hour, so be sure to refresh your browser on a regular basis. Often with these panels the information comes fast so we apologize now for any typos or miss-spellings of names that might come about during this live coverage. We will try and go back later and edit any such mistakes but want to get you the information as quickly as possible.
The Dark Knight Movie Masters are coming on once a month, starting with Jailhouse Joker, Prototype suit Batman in October, Harvey Dent in November, and brand new Jail Joker in December, Arkham Asyslum Scarecrow, Battle damaged Batman and Two Face.
Action League has a new line starting this month with a huge variety of mini 2-packs.
Great Adventure 2packs are also coming, including Batman and Grodd and playsets. There are mission Playsets, which include Plastic Man and a terrordactyl. Clock King and other brand new figures are coming. There are deluxe figures in this line and small mini-vehicles. There is a transforming Batmobile that transforms from car to aircraft with a push of a button.
There is another Plastic Man for this line that will come with a DVD for the line.
Hot Wheels has several vehicles planned, 19 total for the 1:50 scale.
Super Friends has vehicles and figures planned for 2009, some exclusive to Toys R Us. One of the mini-vehicles will feature Green Lantern, for the first time. There is a Joker's Funhouse playset coming at the end of the year.
Justice League Unlimited continues through the year at Target and at Mattycollector. Fate of the line is in the hands of the fans. There are plans for international 3-packs and singles at non-Target stores. Most characters will have 5 points of articulation.
Aquaman, Deadshot, Black Batman, Superman Red and Blue with red Kryptonite. Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, new Captain Atom, Hawkgirl and Firestorm will finish out 2009.
3-packs: Apache, Black vulcan and Samurai; Plastic Man, Cyborg and brighter Mister Miracle; Silver Banshee, Superman and Metallo; Flash, Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang.
6-packs, Supergirl, Mr. Terrifc, Obsidian, Superman, Elongated Man, Hourman.
Calypso, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, Superman, Flash and Wonder Woman.
Batman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Hro Talak, Param Dul and Lt. Kragger - Thanagar theme.
Die Cast 6-packs exclusive to TRU.
Matty will have a JLU origins 3 pack on August 3. Two more four packs will be on Matty and may continue to 2010 if sales are good.
Shazam, Black Adam, Mary Marvel and the WIzard on August 17th.
Doom Patrol 4 pack is coming! So is . . the Justice Guild
DCU Infinite Heroes is coming to Walmart and Matty this fall. Mary Marvel, Firestorm, Captain Atom. There will then be re-releases Aresenal, Reverse Flash and Bizzaro. harbiniger and 2 Shadow Demons. A new Green Lantern with Star Saphire
Animal Man pack with new articulation. Batigirl, Robin and renegade Nightwing. Parrelax, John Stewart.
The previousl announced Teen Titan pack is headed to Walmart. This will be followed by two Ulmacs, Superman, Wonderomwn, Maxwell Lord and Booster Gold.
Domesday pack - giant Doomsday, Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner and seriously battled damaged Superman.
First Flight DVD at Best Buy will include and exclusive Green Lantern figure.
Matty Collecot infinite Heroes - supergirl, Flash, Monitor and Psycho-Pirate are coming.
DCU Classics: 7 figures per wave, Walmart has increased their orders for better distribution of wave 10.
Wave 10, Walmart exclusive -
Beast Boy, black Batman with new accessory, Forager, Joker with several accessories, Power Girl, Robotma with C&C Imperiax.
Wave 11
Cyborg Superman, Deadman, Jon Stewart Green Lantern, female Green Lantern, The Question, Shark, Steppenwolf plus green variant (50/50), C&C Kilowog.
New 2-packs on Matty every quarter:
Romat Ru and Karu-Sil yellow Lanterns, with a construct.
Animal Man and B'wanna Beast.
5 pack to Walmart this X-Mas - Batman, Two Face, Catwoman, Lex Luthor and Superman, all with their classic Silver Age look.
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, exclusive to Target, 6 inch figures and 3 3/4 scale by the Four Horsemen.
6 inch line - Superman, animated and Horsemen style and a more metallic version. Batman with a black deco and a blue variant. Icicle, Silver Banshee, Black Lightening, Major Force with C&C Brimstone.
3 3/4 will have 2 3-packs: Black Lightening, Batman and Captain Atom. Superman, Luthor (armor)and Powergirl.
6-pack: Grodd, Power GIrl, Superman, Batman, Hawkman, and President Luthor.
World's Greatest Super Heroes: new to Matty Collector this fall and TRU and online stores in Spring - Mego-like classic figures, starting with Green Arrow. These are 8 inch figures with cloth suits. Mattel consulted with Dr. Mego in the design of this line. There are going to be 3 waves of 4 figures in 2010, Superman, Lex Luthor, Green Lantern, and Sinsestro are wave 1.
12 inch Movie Masters on - classic Superman films with vintage weapons and cloth costumes - starting with Zod, Superman (Chistopher Reeves). If these sell, there will be more.
Infinite Heroes - Blue Beetle is coming.
The new C&Cs are around 9 inches tall.
There are no present plans for Blue or Lanterns.
The Four Horsemen are honored to make such awesome toys.
Getting a Classics Kyle Raynor is high on Mattel's priority.
Mattel would like to work on the Blackest Night story line in the near future. Mattel has cracked down on their factories to address the production issue concerns to satisfy the more demanding collector market. They have also taken very seriously the complaints about distribution and have hopefully addressed them.
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We're getting B'Wana Beast and you're worried that they won't make obscure characters? Really, some of the GL figures shown(the Sinestro Corps 2-pack and Katma Tui) are fairly obscure themselves.
Quoted for truth!
This line, despite it's admitted issues, continues with well-sculpted renditions of the entire DC Universe.
Every time they make a Killer Moth or a B'wanna Beast, my distant hopes of a Tommy Monaghan figure get a little stronger.
hell ya!!! i made a custom one outta a old hellblazer figure
all the new product is pretty decent but too many of them are exclusives which I cannot understand why?
Also would of prefered to have Superman movie figs in the same scale as the 6 inch line NOT custom designed and isolated.
We're getting B'Wana Beast and you're worried that they won't make obscure characters? Really, some of the GL figures shown(the Sinestro Corps 2-pack and Katma Tui) are fairly obscure themselves.
Quoted for truth!
This line, despite it's admitted issues, continues with well-sculpted renditions of the entire DC Universe.
Every time they make a Killer Moth or a B'wanna Beast, my distant hopes of a Tommy Monaghan figure get a little stronger.
Looking at the slides, I see you can remove the top of Robotman's head and look at his brain. Nice!
Looking at the slides, I see you can remove the top of Robotman's head and look at his brain. Nice!
I'm with Ares, there are many that are very impressive, but many more I don't recognize. Does anyone have a comprehensive list with characters by wave?If not, no biggie, just wishing I was in San Diego.
That was the point of the slides. They are lined up in the order of the figures in the wave, then the BAF, then the next wave's figs, BAF, and so forth.
Apparently we're only getting 4 retail waves next year, 11 through 14. I'm assuming 14 will be the Wal-Mart exclusive wave for 2010 if they do things the same way every year. But I feel the number of releases has fallen vs. 2009 and 2008. We got 5 waves in 2009 or possibly 6 if Public Enemies comes out this fall and 5 waves in 2008, so I guess its justified that they decided to do fewer releases next year. Still, it really limits my enthusiasm for this line when they decided to cut back like this. Add to the fact the heavy emphasis will be on Green Lantern next year, there will probably be fewer obscure characters get a chance to be released at all if ever.
We're getting B'Wana Beast and you're worried that they won't make obscure characters? Really, some of the GL figures shown(the Sinestro Corps 2-pack and Katma Tui) are fairly obscure themselves.
Apparently we're only getting 4 retail waves next year, 11 through 14. I'm assuming 14 will be the Wal-Mart exclusive wave for 2010 if they do things the same way every year. But I feel the number of releases has fallen vs. 2009 and 2008. We got 5 waves in 2009 or possibly 6 if Public Enemies comes out this fall and 5 waves in 2008, so I guess its justified that they decided to do fewer releases next year.
Still, it really limits my enthusiasm for this line when they decided to cut back like this. Add to the fact the heavy emphasis will be on Green Lantern next year, there will probably be fewer obscure characters get a chance to be released at all if ever.
I wonder how DC Direct feels about the Four Horseman sculpting an artistic style wave now.
I'm with Ares, there are many that are very impressive, but many more I don't recognize. Does anyone have a comprehensive list with characters by wave?
If not, no biggie, just wishing I was in San Diego.
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